BadPaddingException: Decryption error
时间: 2023-11-13 11:23:20 浏览: 176
android DES加密解密 javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: last block incomplete in
A BadPaddingException is a type of exception that occurs when there is an error while decrypting data. This error can occur when the padding used in the encryption process is incorrect or when the encrypted data has been tampered with.
When encrypting data, padding is added to the plaintext to ensure that the data is of a fixed length before encryption. This padding is removed during the decryption process. If the padding is incorrect or has been tampered with, the decryption process will fail and a BadPaddingException will be thrown.
To resolve this issue, the encryption and decryption processes must use the same padding scheme. Additionally, the encrypted data should be protected from tampering by using a secure encryption algorithm and key management practices.