<select id="getAreaNumFromHour" resultType="java.lang.Long"> select IFNULL(sum((area_num)),0) from device_info_history where id in( select max(id) from device_info_history where currentday = CURRENT_DATE() and device_id in <foreach collection="example" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item.streamInfoId} </foreach> and HOUR(create_time) >= #{startHourNum} and HOUR(create_time) < #{endHourNum} group by device_id ) </select>解释下sql
时间: 2024-04-27 10:20:37 浏览: 155
1. `select IFNULL(sum((area_num)),0)`:查询设备区域数量的总和,如果查询结果为空则返回0。
2. `from device_info_history`:从设备信息历史表中查询。
3. `where id in (select max(id) from device_info_history where currentday = CURRENT_DATE() and device_id in <foreach collection="example" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item.streamInfoId} </foreach> and HOUR(create_time) >= #{startHourNum} and HOUR(create_time) < #{endHourNum} group by device_id)`:使用子查询过滤出符合条件的设备信息记录,其中:
- `select max(id) from device_info_history where currentday = CURRENT_DATE() and device_id in <foreach collection="example" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item.streamInfoId} </foreach>`:查询当天指定设备的最新记录。
- `HOUR(create_time) >= #{startHourNum} and HOUR(create_time) < #{endHourNum}`:筛选出指定时间段内的记录。
- `group by device_id`:按设备ID进行分组。
4. `</select>`:结束语句。