时间: 2023-11-27 21:55:32 浏览: 12
import numpy as np
from skimage.util.dtype import dtype_range
from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte
def greycomatrix(image, distances, angles, levels=None, symmetric=False,
if levels is None:
if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer):
# For integer images, the number of levels is determined by the
# range of values.
imin, imax = dtype_range[image.dtype.type]
levels = np.arange(imin, imax + 1)
# For floating point images, we use 256 levels by default.
levels = np.linspace(0, 1, 256, endpoint=False)
# Convert the image to uint8, so that we can use it as an index into the
# levels array.
image = img_as_ubyte(image)
glcm = np.zeros((len(levels), len(levels), len(distances), len(angles)),
for d, distance in enumerate(distances):
for a, angle in enumerate(angles):
coords1, coords2 = _offsets_to_coords(image.shape, distance, angle)
patch1 = image[coords1[:, 0], coords1[:, 1]]
patch2 = image[coords2[:, 0], coords2[:, 1]]
# Find the indices into the levels array for each pixel in the
# patch. This allows us to construct a joint histogram of levels.
index1 = np.searchsorted(levels, patch1)
index2 = np.searchsorted(levels, patch2)
# Clip the indices to ensure that they are within the range [0,
# len(levels)-1].
index1 = np.clip(index1, 0, len(levels) - 1)
index2 = np.clip(index2, 0, len(levels) - 1)
# Update the co-occurrence matrix by counting the number of times
# each combination of levels occurs.
for i, j in zip(index1, index2):
glcm[i, j, d, a] += 1
if symmetric:
# Make the matrix symmetric by mirroring over the diagonal.
glcm = glcm + np.transpose(glcm, (1, 0, 2, 3))
if normed:
glcm /= np.sum(glcm)
return glcm
- `image`:输入的灰度图像。
- `distances`:灰度共生矩阵中用于计算概率的像素对之间的距离列表。例如,`[1, 2, 3]`表示将在距离为1、2和3的像素对之间计算概率。
- `angles`:灰度共生矩阵中用于计算概率的像素对之间的角度列表。例如,`[0, np.pi/4, np.pi/2, 3*np.pi/4]`表示将在水平、45度、垂直和135度方向上计算概率。
- `levels`:灰度级别列表。默认情况下,对于整数图像,该列表将由图像数据类型的范围确定(例如在[0, 255]范围内),而对于浮点图像,该列表将由256个等间距的值组成。您也可以指定自定义级别列表。
- `symmetric`:如果为True,则将灰度共生矩阵设置为对称矩阵。这在某些应用中很有用,例如,当您需要比较两个灰度图像时。
- `normed`:如果为True,则将灰度共生矩阵归一化为概率矩阵。