<bind name="lang" value="@io.choerodon.mybatis.helper.LanguageHelper@language()"/>
时间: 2024-04-05 19:30:36 浏览: 113
这是一段 Java 代码,它利用 Choerodon 框架中的 MyBatis 辅助工具类 LanguageHelper 获取当前系统的语言设置,并将其绑定到名为 "lang" 的变量上。具体来说,该代码使用了 "@xxx@" 的占位符语法,这是 Choerodon 框架中用于执行一些特殊操作的语法,类似于 EL 表达式。在这个例子中,@io.choerodon.mybatis.helper.LanguageHelper@ 表示要调用 LanguageHelper 类的 language() 方法,获取当前语言设置。最终,该代码会将获取到的语言设置赋值给名为 "lang" 的变量,供后续使用。
mybatis bind
MyBatis provides a feature called "bind" that allows you to bind a value to a variable in your SQL statement. This can be useful when you want to pass dynamic values or parameters to your queries.
To use the bind feature in MyBatis, you need to use the #{variableName} notation in your SQL statement, where "variableName" is the name of the variable you want to bind. Then, you can set the value of the variable using the bind tag in your MyBatis XML configuration file.
Here's an example of how you can use bind in MyBatis:
<select id="getUsersByAge" resultType="User">
<bind name="age" value="'18'"/>
SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = #{age}
In this example, we are binding the value '18' to the variable "age". The value is enclosed in single quotes because it is a string literal. You can also bind variables using expressions or parameters instead of literals.
The bind tag allows you to set values for multiple variables if needed. It is important to note that the bind tag is processed before any other tags, so the variables will be available for use in the SQL statement.
I hope this answers your question about MyBatis bind. Let me know if you have any further queries!