时间: 2024-06-05 20:05:17 浏览: 148
1. 初始化pygame库,设置窗口大小和标题等参数。
2. 加载地图、箱子、人物等图片素材。
3. 绘制地图、箱子、人物等元素。
4. 监听键盘事件,对人物进行移动,并检测是否完成目标。
5. 更新游戏界面。
import pygame
# 初始化pygame
# 设置窗口大小和标题
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))
# 加载图片素材
wall_img = pygame.image.load("wall.png")
box_img = pygame.image.load("box.png")
target_img = pygame.image.load("target.png")
player_img = pygame.image.load("player.png")
# 地图数据
map_data = [
"# #",
"#o #",
"# #",
# 箱子和目标的坐标
boxes = [(2, 1)]
targets = [(3, 1)]
# 人物的初始坐标
player_pos = (2, 2)
# 绘制地图、箱子、目标和人物
def draw_map():
for i in range(len(map_data)):
for j in range(len(map_data[i])):
if map_data[i][j] == "#":
screen.blit(wall_img, (j * 50, i * 50))
elif (j, i) in boxes:
screen.blit(box_img, (j * 50, i * 50))
elif (j, i) in targets:
screen.blit(target_img, (j * 50, i * 50))
elif (j, i) == player_pos:
screen.blit(player_img, (j * 50, i * 50))
# 判断是否完成目标
def check_win():
for box in boxes:
if box not in targets:
return False
return True
# 游戏循环
running = True
while running:
# 处理事件
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
# 处理键盘事件,对人物进行移动,并检测是否完成目标
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
if (player_pos - 1, player_pos) not in boxes and map_data[player_pos][player_pos - 1] != "#":
player_pos = (player_pos - 1, player_pos)
elif (player_pos - 1, player_pos) in boxes and (player_pos - 2, player_pos) not in boxes and map_data[player_pos][player_pos - 2] != "#":
index = boxes.index((player_pos - 1, player_pos))
boxes[index] = (boxes[index] - 1, boxes[index])
player_pos = (player_pos - 1, player_pos)
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
if (player_pos + 1, player_pos) not in boxes and map_data[player_pos][player_pos + 1] != "#":
player_pos = (player_pos + 1, player_pos)
elif (player_pos + 1, player_pos) in boxes and (player_pos + 2, player_pos) not in boxes and map_data[player_pos][player_pos + 2] != "#":
index = boxes.index((player_pos + 1, player_pos))
boxes[index] = (boxes[index] + 1, boxes[index])
player_pos = (player_pos + 1, player_pos)
elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
if (player_pos, player_pos - 1) not in boxes and map_data[player_pos - 1][player_pos] != "#":
player_pos = (player_pos, player_pos - 1)
elif (player_pos, player_pos - 1) in boxes and (player_pos[0], player_pos - 2) not in boxes and map_data[player_pos[1] - 2][player_pos] != "#":
index = boxes.index((player_pos, player_pos - 1))
boxes[index] = (boxes[index], boxes[index] - 1)
player_pos = (player_pos, player_pos - 1)
elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
if (player_pos, player_pos + 1) not in boxes and map_data[player_pos + 1][player_pos] != "#":
player_pos = (player_pos, player_pos + 1)
elif (player_pos, player_pos + 1) in boxes and (player_pos, player_pos + 2) not in boxes and map_data[player_pos + 2][player_pos] != "#":
index = boxes.index((player_pos, player_pos + 1))
boxes[index] = (boxes[index], boxes[index] + 1)
player_pos = (player_pos, player_pos + 1)
# 绘制游戏界面
# 判断是否完成目标,如果完成则弹出提示框并结束游戏
if check_win():