AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'values'
时间: 2023-08-02 10:12:01 浏览: 288
#### 引用[.reference_title]
- *1* *2* [python AttributeError: ‘int‘ object has no attribute ‘_get_axis]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insert_down28v1,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item]
[ .reference_list ]
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'ravel'
This error message indicates that you are trying to use the "ravel" method on an integer object, which does not have this method.
The "ravel" method is used to convert a multi-dimensional array into a flattened 1D array. It can only be used on arrays, not on individual values.
To fix this error, you should check your code and make sure that you are using the "ravel" method on an array object, not on an integer.
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'value'
def calc_A(x):
if x\['基金内码'\].iloc\[0\] == '1030000264':
A_stack = np.nan
A_stack = pd.DataFrame(\[1,2,3\])
return A_stack
A = secode_df.groupby(\['基金内码'\]).apply(lambda x: calc_A(x))
这样修改后,应该就不会再出现`AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'value'`的错误了。
#### 引用[.reference_title]
- *1* *2* [python AttributeError: ‘int‘ object has no attribute ‘_get_axis]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^control,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item]
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