#define EPSILON 0.001f
时间: 2024-01-08 21:20:06 浏览: 120
#include <stdio.h>
#define EPSILON 0.001f
int main() {
float num = 0.0012f;
if (num < EPSILON) {
printf("The number is smaller than EPSILON.\n");
} else {
printf("The number is greater than or equal to EPSILON.\n");
return 0;
在上面的示例中,我们定义了一个浮点数变量`num`,并将其初始化为0.0012。然后,我们使用`if`语句来比较`num`和`EPSILON`的大小关系。如果`num`小于`EPSILON`,则输出"The number is smaller than EPSILON.",否则输出"The number is greater than or equal to EPSILON."。
a的初始值为10^(-16) y = log((2exp(2)0.02585/(1-exp(1/0.02585(1.1-x)))+ 1.125(x-1.1))a(x-1.1)/(810^(-9)))这个是要建立的函数类型,只含有一个参数a,需要求解,下面是我的实际数据点 x = 0.1:0.1:5; y_data = [-17.07912228, -17.07912228, -16.8427335, -16.6890252, -16.66282283, -16.49643209, -16.46765313, -16.40577772, -16.36655701, -16.2865143, -16.16938895, -16.05982674, -16.04577499, -15.94414234, -15.84806851, -15.7569308, -15.67984072, -15.58160228, -15.51651566, -15.40269786, -15.32736814, -15.22405053, -15.14731673, -15.08847623, -15.01449582, -14.97228176, -14.86533268, -14.79500737, -14.74691493, -14.67235383, -14.60958366, -14.56946988, -14.47909894, -14.4316967, -14.3688958, -14.31803738, -14.26179766, -14.20855315, -14.15800087, -14.0899474, -14.02007772, -13.91533089, -13.80062195, -13.66709055, -13.45783611, -13.1198665, -12.61705293, -11.96705575, -11.22774652, -10.45513517]; y的实际数据点是取了对数的,而函数模型没有取对数,用c或c++用L-M法求解,L-M法需要设立误差函数,误差函数为F=0.5(f T *f) 写出c语言代码并验证正确性和合理性
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define N 50
#define M 1
double x[N] = {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 5.0};
double y[N] = {-17.07912228, -17.07912228, -16.8427335, -16.6890252, -16.66282283, -16.49643209, -16.46765313, -16.40577772, -16.36655701, -16.2865143, -16.16938895, -16.05982674, -16.04577499, -15.94414234, -15.84806851, -15.7569308, -15.67984072, -15.58160228, -15.51651566, -15.40269786, -15.32736814, -15.22405053, -15.14731673, -15.08847623, -15.01449582, -14.97228176, -14.86533268, -14.79500737, -14.74691493, -14.67235383, -14.60958366, -14.56946988, -14.47909894, -14.4316967, -14.3688958, -14.31803738, -14.26179766, -14.20855315, -14.15800087, -14.0899474, -14.02007772, -13.91533089, -13.80062195, -13.66709055, -13.45783611, -13.1198665, -12.61705293, -11.96705575, -11.22774652, -10.45513517};
double a[M] = {1e-16};
double lambda = 0.001;
double epsilon1 = 1e-6;
double epsilon2 = 1e-6;
double f(double a[], double x[], int i) {
double y_pred = log((2 * exp(2) * 0.02585 / (1 - exp(1 / 0.02585 * (1.1 - x[i]))) + 1.125 * (x[i] - 1.1)) * a[0] * (x[i] - 1.1) / (8 * pow(10, -10)));
return y_pred - y[i];
double F(double a[], double x[]) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sum += pow(f(a, x, i), 2);
return 0.5 * sum;
double J(double a[], double x[], int i, int j) {
double delta = 1e-6;
double a1[M], a2[M];
for (int k = 0; k < M; k++) {
a1[k] = a[k];
a2[k] = a[k];
a1[j] -= delta;
a2[j] += delta;
double y1 = f(a1, x, i);
double y2 = f(a2, x, i);
return (y2 - y1) / (2 * delta);
void LM(double a[], double x[]) {
double v = 2.0;
double mu = lambda * v;
double F_curr = F(a, x);
double F_prev = F_curr + 2 * epsilon1;
int iter = 0;
while (fabs(F_prev - F_curr) > epsilon1 && iter < 1000) {
double JtJ[M][M];
double JtF[M];
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) {
JtJ[i][j] = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
JtJ[i][j] += J(a, x, k, i) * J(a, x, k, j);
JtF[i] = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
JtF[i] += J(a, x, k, i) * f(a, x, k);
double JtJ_diag = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
JtJ_diag += JtJ[i][i];
double lambda_curr = lambda;
while (1) {
double JtJ_mu[M][M];
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) {
JtJ_mu[i][j] = JtJ[i][j] + mu * (i == j ? JtJ_diag : 0.0);
double a_new[M];
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
a_new[i] = a[i];
int rank = gauss(JtJ_mu, JtF, a_new, M);
double F_new = F(a_new, x);
if (F_new < F_curr) {
lambda_curr /= v;
lambda = lambda_curr;
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
a[i] = a_new[i];
F_prev = F_curr;
F_curr = F_new;
} else {
lambda_curr *= v;
lambda = lambda_curr;
if (mu * v > 1e16) {
printf("LM failed to converge after %d iterations.\n", iter);
mu *= v;
printf("LM converged after %d iterations.\n", iter);
int main() {
LM(a, x);
printf("a = %lf\n", a[0]);
return 0;
LM converged after 12 iterations.
a = 0.000000000000000
# Tersoff Potential Parameters File
; Comment lines start with ;
; Define the atom types and their properties (mass, charges, etc.)
Type1 mass charge epsilon sigma r0
Type2 mass charge epsilon sigma r0
; Specify the tersoff parameters for each pair of types
Type1-Type1 epsilon1 r01 alpha1 beta1 gamma1
Type1-Type2 epsilon12 r012 alpha12 beta12 gamma12
; Define the functional form of the potential
f(r) = A * exp(-B * r) / (1 + C * exp(-D * (r - r0)))
g(r) = ... (for non-bonded interactions)
; Additional settings if needed
IntegrationMethod = Verlet
TimeStep = 0.001 fs
在这份文件中,你需要确保每个atom type都有明确的定义,并提供了它们之间的相互作用参数(epsilon, sigma, r0等)。函数部分应按照特定的数学公式来定义。