时间: 2023-09-18 22:06:26 浏览: 170
#ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT 是一个预处理指令,通常用于在调试过程中启用断言机制。如果定义了该指令,那么断言功能就会被启用,否则就不会被启用。在代码中,我们通常会使用 assert() 函数来进行断言操作,当断言条件不成立时,程序就会终止并输出错误信息。启用断言机制可以帮助我们及时发现并解决代码中的问题。
解释代码void LedOn(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint16_t Pin) { GPIOx->PBSC = Pin; } /** * @brief Turns selected Led Off. * @param GPIOx x can be A to G to select the GPIO port. * @param Pin This parameter can be GPIO_PIN_0~GPIO_PIN_15. */ void LedOff(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint16_t Pin) { GPIOx->PBC = Pin; } /** * @brief Turns selected Led on or off. * @param GPIOx x can be A to G to select the GPIO port. * @param Pin This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg GPIO_PIN_0~GPIO_PIN_15: set related pin on * @arg (GPIO_PIN_0<<16)~(GPIO_PIN_15<<16): clear related pin off */ void LedOnOff(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint32_t Pin) { GPIOx->PBSC = Pin; } /** * @brief Toggles the selected Led. * @param GPIOx x can be A to G to select the GPIO port. * @param Pin This parameter can be GPIO_PIN_0~GPIO_PIN_15. */ void LedBlink(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint16_t Pin) { GPIOx->POD ^= Pin; } /** * @brief Assert failed function by user. * @param file The name of the call that failed. * @param line The source line number of the call that failed. */ #ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT void assert_failed(const uint8_t* expr, const uint8_t* file, uint32_t line) { while (1) { } } #endif // USE_FULL_ASSERT /** * @brief Main program. */ int main(void) { /*SystemInit() function has been called by startup file startup_n32g45x.s*/ /* Initialize Led1~Led5 as output pushpull mode*/ LedInit(PORT_GROUP1, LED1_PIN | LED2_PIN); LedInit(PORT_GROUP2, LED3_PIN | LED4_PIN | LED5_PIN); /*Turn on Led1*/ LedOn(PORT_GROUP1, LED1_PIN); while (1) { /*LED1_PORT and LED2_PORT are the same port group.Enable Led2 blink and not effect Led1 by Exclusive-OR * operation.*/ LedBlink(PORT_GROUP1, LED2_PIN); /*LED3_PORT, LED4_PORT and LED5_PORT are the same port group.*/ /*Turn Led4 and Led5 off and not effect other ports by PBC register,correspond to * PORT_GROUP2->POD&=~(LED4_PIN|LED5_PIN);*/ LedOff(PORT_GROUP2, LED4_PIN | LED5_PIN); /* Insert delay */ Delay(0x28FFFF); /*Turn Led4 and Led5 on,turn Led3 off and not effect other ports by PBSC register,correspond to * PORT_GROUP2->POD&=~(LED3_PIN),then PORT_GROUP2->POD|=(LED4_PIN|LED5_PIN);*/ LedOnOff(PORT_GROUP2, (LED3_PIN << 16) | LED4_PIN | LED5_PIN); /* Insert delay */ Delay(0x28FFFF); /*Turn on Led3*/ LedOn(PORT_GROUP2, LED3_PIN); /* Insert delay */ Delay(0x28FFFF); } }
1. `void LedOn(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint16_t Pin)`:该函数用于将指定的LED打开,通过设置GPIO相应的引脚控制寄存器来实现。传入参数`GPIOx`表示GPIO模块,`Pin`表示要打开的LED引脚。
2. `void LedOff(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint16_t Pin)`:该函数用于将指定的LED关闭,通过清除GPIO相应的引脚控制寄存器来实现。传入参数`GPIOx`表示GPIO模块,`Pin`表示要关闭的LED引脚。
3. `void LedOnOff(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint32_t Pin)`:该函数用于将指定的LED打开或关闭,通过设置或清除GPIO相应的引脚控制寄存器来实现。传入参数`GPIOx`表示GPIO模块,`Pin`表示要打开或关闭的LED引脚。
4. `void LedBlink(GPIO_Module* GPIOx, uint16_t Pin)`:该函数用于让指定的LED闪烁,通过对GPIO相应引脚控制寄存器进行异或操作来实现。传入参数`GPIOx`表示GPIO模块,`Pin`表示要闪烁的LED引脚。
5. `#ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT` 和 `#endif // USE_FULL_ASSERT`:这是一个用于断言失败处理的代码段,当宏`USE_FULL_ASSERT`被定义时,将会调用`assert_failed()`函数。
6. `void assert_failed(const uint8_t* expr, const uint8_t* file, uint32_t line)`:断言失败时调用的函数,当断言失败时,该函数会进入一个死循环。
7. `int main(void)`:主函数入口。
8. `LedInit(PORT_GROUP1, LED1_PIN | LED2_PIN);` 和 `LedInit(PORT_GROUP2, LED3_PIN | LED4_PIN | LED5_PIN);`:初始化LED引脚,将LED引脚配置为输出模式。
9. `LedOn(PORT_GROUP1, LED1_PIN);`:打开LED1。
10. `LedBlink(PORT_GROUP1, LED2_PIN);`:让LED2闪烁。
11. `LedOff(PORT_GROUP2, LED4_PIN | LED5_PIN);`:关闭LED4和LED5。
12. `Delay(0x28FFFF);`:延时一段时间。
13. `LedOnOff(PORT_GROUP2, (LED3_PIN << 16) | LED4_PIN | LED5_PIN);`:打开LED4和LED5,关闭LED3。
14. `Delay(0x28FFFF);`:延时一段时间。
15. `LedOn(PORT_GROUP2, LED3_PIN);`:打开LED3。
16. `Delay(0x28FFFF);`:延时一段时间。
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) { if(huart->Instance == huart1.Instance)//´®¿Ú1´¥·¢ÖÐ¶Ï { HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart1, &uart1_value, 1); uart1_buf[uart1_num++] = uart1_value; uart1_time = 0; } if(huart->Instance == Huart_wifi.Instance)//´®¿Ú´¥·¢ÖÐ¶Ï { if(huart->Instance == Huart_wifi.Instance)//´®¿Ú´¥·¢ { HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&Huart_wifi, &uartwifi_value, 1); if(ESP8266_cnt >= sizeof(ESP8266_buf)) ESP8266_cnt = 0; //·ÀÖ¹´®¿Ú±»Ë¢±¬ ESP8266_buf[ESP8266_cnt++] = uartwifi_value; } } } /* USER CODE END 4 */ /** * @brief This function is executed in case of error occurrence. * @retval None */ void Error_Handler(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN Error_Handler_Debug */ /* User can add his own implementation to report the HAL error return state */ __disable_irq(); while (1) { } /* USER CODE END Error_Handler_Debug */ } #ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT /** * @brief Reports the name of the source file and the source line number * where the assert_param error has occurred. * @param file: pointer to the source file name * @param line: assert_param error line source number * @retval None */ void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 6 */ /* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number, ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */ /* USER CODE END 6 */ } #endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */