def image_generator(df, batch_size, img_size): num_samples = len(df) all_images = np.zeros((num_samples, *img_size, 3)) # 创建一个临时数组,用于保存所有读取的图像数据 while True: for offset in range(0, num_samples, batch_size): batch_df = df[offset:offset+batch_size] images = [] for path in batch_df['path']: img = images.append(np.asarray(img)) X = np.array(images) all_images[offset:offset+batch_images.shape[0]] = X # 将本批次的图像数据保存到临时数组中 yield X # 在完成所有批次的读取后,将临时数组中的数据赋值给 DataFrame 中的 'image' 列 df['image'] = all_images这一段代码有没有实现将图像文件读入,并将其转换为450x600像素大小的NumPy数组,并将其存储在新的 'image' 列中的功能
时间: 2024-02-14 15:19:45 浏览: 153
是的,上述代码实现了将图像文件读入,并将其转换为450x600像素大小的NumPy数组,并将其存储在新的 'image' 列中的功能。具体地,代码使用PIL库中的方法读取图像文件,resize()方法将其调整为指定大小450x600,然后使用numpy.asarray()方法将其转换为NumPy数组。在每批次读取完后,代码将本批次的图像数据保存到一个临时数组all_images中,最后再将这个临时数组中的数据赋值给DataFrame中的'image'列。
def image_generator(df, batch_size, img_size): num_samples = len(df) while True: for offset in range(0, num_samples, batch_size): batch_df = df[offset:offset+batch_size] images = [] for path in batch_df['path']: img = images.append(np.asarray(img)) X = np.array(images) yield X batch_size = 32 img_size = (600, 450) gen = image_generator(df, batch_size, img_size) # 读取生成器中的每个批次,并将所有图像数据存储在 df['image'] 列中 for i, batch_images in enumerate(gen): start_index = i * batch_size end_index = start_index + batch_images.shape[0] if batch_images.shape[0] != batch_size: df.loc[start_index:start_index+batch_images.shape[0]-1, 'image'] = batch_images else: df.loc[start_index:end_index, 'image'] = batch_images代码为何会出现ValueError: Must have equal len keys and value when setting with an iterable报错
这个错误是因为在代码中给 DataFrame 中的某一列赋值时,使用了长度不相等的可迭代对象,导致了赋值失败。具体来说,是在下面这行代码中:
df.loc[start_index:start_index+batch_images.shape[0]-1, 'image'] = batch_images
如果 `batch_images` 的长度不等于 `batch_size`,那么在赋值时就会出现长度不相等的情况,从而导致这个错误。为了解决这个问题,可以使用一个临时的数组来保存所有读取的图像数据,然后在完成所有批次的读取后再一次性地将这些数据赋值给 DataFrame 中的 `image` 列。具体来说,可以按照下面的方式修改代码:
def image_generator(df, batch_size, img_size):
num_samples = len(df)
all_images = np.zeros((num_samples, *img_size, 3)) # 创建一个临时数组,用于保存所有读取的图像数据
while True:
for offset in range(0, num_samples, batch_size):
batch_df = df[offset:offset+batch_size]
images = []
for path in batch_df['path']:
img =
X = np.array(images)
all_images[offset:offset+batch_images.shape[0]] = X # 将本批次的图像数据保存到临时数组中
yield X
# 在完成所有批次的读取后,将临时数组中的数据赋值给 DataFrame 中的 'image' 列
df['image'] = all_images
为何import numpy as np from PIL import Image def image_generator(file_paths, batch_size=32): """ 生成器函数,每次返回一个批次的图像数组 """ start_index = 0 end_index = batch_size while start_index < len(file_paths): batch_paths = file_paths[start_index:end_index] images = [] for path in batch_paths: img = img = img.resize((450, 600)) img = np.asarray(img) images.append(img) images = np.array(images) yield images start_index = end_index end_index += batch_size # 读取所有图像文件路径 file_paths = df['path'].tolist() # 定义空的NumPy数组,用于存储所有图像数据 all_images = np.empty((len(file_paths), 600, 450, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # 使用生成器函数逐批次读取和处理图像,并将每个批次的图像数据存储在上述空数组中 img_gen = image_generator(file_paths) i = 0 for batch_images in img_gen: batch_size = batch_images.shape[0] all_images[i:i+batch_size] = batch_images i += batch_size # 将存储有所有图像数据的NumPy数组赋值给 `df['image']` 列 df['image'] = all_images会出现MemoryError: Unable to allocate 7.48 GiB for an array with shape (9921, 600, 450, 3) and data type uint8报错
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
def image_generator(df, batch_size, img_size):
num_samples = len(df)
while True:
for offset in range(0, num_samples, batch_size):
batch_df = df[offset:offset+batch_size]
images = []
for path in batch_df['path']:
img =
X = np.array(images)
yield X
batch_size = 32
img_size = (600, 450)
gen = image_generator(df, batch_size, img_size)
# 读取生成器中的每个批次,并将所有图像数据存储在 `df['image']` 列中
for i, batch_images in enumerate(gen):
start_index = i * batch_size
end_index = start_index + batch_images.shape[0]
df.loc[start_index:end_index, 'image'] = batch_images