如何使用 ●LocalDate,LocalDateTime
时间: 2023-10-26 11:34:05 浏览: 56
等Java 8日期时间API来获取当前日期和时间?
你可以使用以下代码来使用Java 8日期时间API获取当前日期和时间:
LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
LocalDateTime currentDateTime = LocalDateTime.now();
localdate localdatetime
`LocalDate` and `LocalDateTime` are classes in the Java API that represent date and time values without considering time zones.
`LocalDate` represents a date (year, month, and day) without any specific time of day. It can be used to perform operations and calculations based on dates, such as checking if a date is before or after another, calculating the difference between two dates, or extracting specific components like the year or month.
Here's an example of using `LocalDate`:
LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
System.out.println("Current date: " + currentDate);
LocalDate specificDate = LocalDate.of(2022, 7, 1);
System.out.println("Specific date: " + specificDate);
boolean isBefore = specificDate.isBefore(currentDate);
System.out.println("Is specific date before current date? " + isBefore);
`LocalDateTime` represents a date and time value without considering time zones. It includes the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and nanosecond. It can be useful for scenarios where you need to work with both date and time information.
Here's an example of using `LocalDateTime`:
LocalDateTime currentDateTime = LocalDateTime.now();
System.out.println("Current date and time: " + currentDateTime);
LocalDateTime specificDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2022, 7, 1, 12, 0);
System.out.println("Specific date and time: " + specificDateTime);
int hour = specificDateTime.getHour();
System.out.println("Hour of specific date and time: " + hour);
Both `LocalDate` and `LocalDateTime` are part of the `java.time` package introduced in Java 8. They provide a rich set of methods for manipulating and formatting date and time values in a localized manner.
LocalDate LocalDateTime
LocalDate和LocalDateTime是Java 8中的日期时间类。LocalDate表示日期,不包含时间信息,而LocalDateTime表示日期和时间。