interface Int(); class t1; integer a[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new; //class constructor body need be modified according to REQ-EXT-10007 a = '{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80}'; endfunction endclass class t2; integer b[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new; //class constructor body need be modified according to REQ-EXT-10007 b = '{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88}'; endfunction endclass t1 inst1 = new; //REQ-EXT-10501 t2 inst2 = new; //REQ-EXT-10501 endinterface module top; Int in(); virtual Int testint = in; associative my_array[string]; // Renamed variable "array" to "my_array" initial begin #1; my_array = testint.inst1.a; $display("testint.inst1.a = %p", testint.inst1.a); //CHECK-001:'{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80} $display("my_array = %p", my_array); //CHECK-002:'{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80} #2; my_array = testint.inst2.b; $display("testint.inst2.b = %p", testint.inst2.b); //CHECK-003:'{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88} $display("my_array = %p", my_array); //CHECK-004:'{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88} end endmodule this piece of system verilog code, when compiled by vcs, will report syntax error:38: token is ';', how should I fix this syntax error? thanks a lot

时间: 2024-04-07 19:32:00 浏览: 9
The syntax error is caused by the empty parentheses in the definition of interface Int(). To fix this error, you should remove the empty parentheses from the interface definition. The corrected code should be: interface Int; class t1; integer a[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new; a = '{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80}'; endfunction endclass class t2; integer b[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new; b = '{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88}'; endfunction endclass t1 inst1 = new; //REQ-EXT-10501 t2 inst2 = new; //REQ-EXT-10501 endinterface After making this change, the code should compile without any syntax errors.

interface Int(); class t1; integer a[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new; //class constructor body need be modified according to REQ-EXT-10007 a["a"] =40; a["b"] =60; a["c"] =80; endfunction endclass class t2; integer b[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new; //class constructor body need be modified according to REQ-EXT-10007 b["aa"] =44; b["bb"] =66; b["cc"] =88; endfunction endclass t1 inst1 =new; //REQ-EXT-10501 t2 inst2 =new; //REQ-EXT-10501 endinterface module top; Int in(); virtual Int testint =in; integer array[string]; //data type of array need be modified according to REQ-EXT-10007 initial begin #1; array =testint.inst1.a; $display("testint.inst1.a =%p", testint.inst1.a); //CHECK-001:'{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80} $display("array = %p", array); //CHECK-002:'{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80} #2; array =testint.inst2.b; $display("testint.inst2.b =%p", testint.inst2.b); //CHECK-003:'{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88} $display("array =%p", array); //CHECK-004:'{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88} end I need to extend this piece of system verilog code according to REQ-EXT-10007, namely, class constructor body need to be modified according to REQ-EXT-10007, can you show me some examples of how to modify? the more examples the better, thanks

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with that! Here are some examples of how to modify the class constructor body according to REQ-EXT-10007: Example 1: Modifying the class constructor body for t1 In this example, we modify the class constructor body for t1 to initialize the integer array "a" with default values of 0. ``` class t1; integer a[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new(); foreach (a[key]) a[key] = 0; // initialize with default value of 0 endfunction endclass ``` Example 2: Modifying the class constructor body for t2 In this example, we modify the class constructor body for t2 to initialize the integer array "b" with a specific set of values. ``` class t2; integer b[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new(); b = '{ "aa": 44, "bb": 66, "cc": 88 }'; // initialize with specific values endfunction endclass ``` Example 3: Modifying the class constructor body for both t1 and t2 In this example, we modify the class constructor body for both t1 and t2 to initialize their respective integer arrays with default values of 0. ``` class t1; integer a[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new(); foreach (a[key]) a[key] = 0; // initialize with default value of 0 endfunction endclass class t2; integer b[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new(); foreach (b[key]) b[key] = 0; // initialize with default value of 0 endfunction endclass ``` I hope these examples help you understand how to modify the class constructor body according to REQ-EXT-10007. Let me know if you have any other questions!

interface Int(); class t1; integer a[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new; //class constructor body need be modified according to REQ-EXT-10007 a = '{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80}'; endfunction endclass class t2; integer b[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new; //class constructor body need be modified according to REQ-EXT-10007 b = '{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88}'; endfunction endclass t1 inst1 = new; //REQ-EXT-10501 t2 inst2 = new; //REQ-EXT-10501 endinterface module top; Int in(); virtual Int testint = in; associative array[string] array; initial begin #1; array = testint.inst1.a; $display("testint.inst1.a = %p", testint.inst1.a); //CHECK-001:'{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80} $display("array = %p", array); //CHECK-002:'{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80} #2; array = testint.inst2.b; $display("testint.inst2.b = %p", testint.inst2.b); //CHECK-003:'{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88} $display("array = %p", array); //CHECK-004:'{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88} end endmodule this piece of system verilog code, when compiled by vcs, will report syntax error:38: token is 'array', how should I fix this syntax error? thanks a lot

The syntax error is caused by the use of reserved keyword "array" as a variable name. To fix this error, you can rename the variable "array" to something else, such as "my_array". Here's an updated version of the code: ``` interface Int(); class t1; integer a[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new; //class constructor body need be modified according to REQ-EXT-10007 a = '{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80}'; endfunction endclass class t2; integer b[string]; //REQ-EXT-10007 function new; //class constructor body need be modified according to REQ-EXT-10007 b = '{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88}'; endfunction endclass t1 inst1 = new; //REQ-EXT-10501 t2 inst2 = new; //REQ-EXT-10501 endinterface module top; Int in(); virtual Int testint = in; associative my_array[string]; // Renamed variable "array" to "my_array" initial begin #1; my_array = testint.inst1.a; $display("testint.inst1.a = %p", testint.inst1.a); //CHECK-001:'{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80} $display("my_array = %p", my_array); //CHECK-002:'{"a":40, "b":60, "c":80} #2; my_array = testint.inst2.b; $display("testint.inst2.b = %p", testint.inst2.b); //CHECK-003:'{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88} $display("my_array = %p", my_array); //CHECK-004:'{"aa":44, "bb":66,"cc":88} end endmodule ```











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