modbus 0x5
时间: 2024-02-23 16:55:25 浏览: 197
- 从设备地址:标识要写入的从设备的地址。
- 线圈地址:指定要写入的线圈的地址。
- 线圈状态:指定要写入的线圈的状态,通常是开(ON)或关(OFF)。
modbus 0x17
Modbus 0x17 refers to a specific function code in the Modbus protocol. The Modbus protocol is a communication protocol commonly used in industrial automation systems to establish communication between devices such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and other electronic devices.
Function code 0x17, also known as "Read/Write Multiple Registers," allows the reading and writing of multiple registers in a Modbus device. This function code is used to request data from multiple registers or write data to multiple registers in a single Modbus transaction.
To use function code 0x17, you need to specify the starting address of the registers you want to read or write, as well as the number of registers to include. The response from the device will contain the requested data or acknowledge the successful write operation.
It's important to note that the specific implementation of Modbus and its function codes can vary depending on the device and the Modbus protocol variant being used (such as Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, etc.).
modbus 0x06
### Modbus 功能码 0x06 使用说明
Modbus 功能码 `0x06` 用于写单个寄存器的数据。此功能允许客户端向服务器发送请求,以更新指定地址处的一个保持寄存器的内容。
#### 请求报文结构
| 字段 | 长度 (字节) | 描述 |
| 地址 | 1 | 设备地址 |
| 功能码 | 1 | 功能码 (`0x06`) |
| 寄存器地址 | 2 | 起始寄存器地址 |
| 数据值 | 2 | 待写入的寄存器数据 |
#### 响应报文结构
#### C# 示例代码实现
下面是一个简单的例子,在C#中通过串口使用Modbus RTU协议来设置远程设备上的某个特定寄存器值:
using System;
using Modbus.Device; // 可能需要安装第三方库如NModbus4
using SerialPort = System.IO.Ports.SerialPort;
public class ModbusExample {
public static void WriteSingleRegister() {
using var port = new SerialPort("COM3", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
var master = ModbusSerialMaster.CreateRtu(port);
ushort slaveId = 1; // 主站ID
ushort startAddress = 0x10; // 开始寄存器地址
ushort valueToWrite = 75; // 将要写的数值
try {
master.WriteSingleRegister(slaveId, startAddress, valueToWrite);
} catch(Exception ex){
Console.WriteLine($"Error writing register: {ex.Message}");