finish the code in this file using the method in this file
时间: 2024-12-19 13:17:02 浏览: 27
Certainly! Based on the provided document, I'll help you complete the Verilog code for the 7-segment display decoder using both the Boolean logic and case
statement methods.
Using Boolean Logic
First, let's complete the Verilog module using Boolean logic. Here is the skeleton of the module:
module seven_segment_decoder (
input [3:0] BIN_IN,
input [1:0] SEG_SELECT_IN,
output reg [7:0] HEX_OUT,
output reg [3:0] SEG_SELECT_OUT
// Assigning input bits to variables
assign A = BIN_IN[3];
assign B = BIN_IN[2];
assign C = BIN_IN[1];
assign D = BIN_IN[0];
// Boolean expressions for each segment
assign CA = (A & ~B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & ~B & C & ~D) | (A & B & ~C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & ~D) | (A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & D) | (A & B & C & D);
assign CB = (A & ~B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & ~B & C & ~D) | (~A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & ~D) | (A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & D) | (A & B & C & D);
assign CC = (A & ~B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & ~B & C & ~D) | (~A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & ~D) | (A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & D) | (A & B & C & D);
assign CD = (A & ~B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & ~B & C & ~D) | (~A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & ~D) | (A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & D) | (A & B & C & D);
assign CE = (A & ~B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & ~B & C & ~D) | (~A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & ~D) | (A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & D) | (A & B & C & D);
assign CF = (A & ~B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & ~B & C & ~D) | (~A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & ~D) | (A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & D) | (A & B & C & D);
assign CG = (A & ~B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & B & ~C & ~D) | (~A & ~B & C & ~D) | (~A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & ~D) | (A & B & C & ~D) | (A & ~B & C & D) | (A & B & C & D);
// Segment select signal
always @* begin
2'b00: SEG_SELECT_OUT = 4'b1110;
2'b01: SEG_SELECT_OUT = 4'b1101;
2'b10: SEG_SELECT_OUT = 4'b1011;
2'b11: SEG_SELECT_OUT = 4'b0111;
default: SEG_SELECT_OUT = 4'b1111; // Default case
// Combine segment signals into HEX_OUT
always @* begin
HEX_OUT = {CA, CB, CC, CD, CE, CF, CG, 1'b1}; // The last bit is the dot, which is always off
Using Case Statements
Next, let's complete the Verilog module using case
statements. Here is the completed module:
module seven_segment_decoder_case (
input [3:0] BIN_IN,
input [1:0] SEG_SELECT_IN,
output reg [7:0] HEX_OUT,
output reg [3:0] SEG_SELECT_OUT
// Segment select signal
always @* begin
2'b00: SEG_SELECT_OUT = 4'b1110;
2'b01: SEG_SELECT_OUT = 4'b1101;
2'b10: SEG_SELECT_OUT = 4'b1011;
2'b11: SEG_SELECT_OUT = 4'b0111;
default: SEG_SELECT_OUT = 4'b1111; // Default case
// Decode binary input to 7-segment display
always @* begin
case (BIN_IN)
4'b0000: HEX_OUT = 8'b10000001; // 0
4'b0001: HEX_OUT = 8'b11110011; // 1
4'b0010: HEX_OUT = 8'b01001001; // 2
4'b0011: HEX_OUT = 8'b01100001; // 3
4'b0100: HEX_OUT = 8'b00110011; // 4
4'b0101: HEX_OUT = 8'b00100101; // 5
4'b0110: HEX_OUT = 8'b00000101; // 6
4'b0111: HEX_OUT = 8'b11110001; // 7
4'b1000: HEX_OUT = 8'b00000001; // 8
4'b1001: HEX_OUT = 8'b00100001; // 9
4'b1010: HEX_OUT = 8'b00010001; // A
4'b1011: HEX_OUT = 8'b00000111; // B
4'b1100: HEX_OUT = 8'b00001101; // C
4'b1101: HEX_OUT = 8'b01000011; // D
4'b1110: HEX_OUT = 8'b00000011; // E
4'b1111: HEX_OUT = 8'b00000111; // F
default: HEX_OUT = 8'b11111111; // Default case
Wrapper Module
Finally, let's create the wrapper module to test the 7-segment display decoder:
module top_module (
input [3:0] SW, // Slide switches
output [11:0] LED // 12-bit output to 7-segment display
wire [3:0] BIN_IN = SW;
wire [1:0] SEG_SELECT_IN = 2'b00; // Select the first 7-segment display
wire [7:0] HEX_OUT;
wire [3:0] SEG_SELECT_OUT;
// Instantiate the 7-segment decoder module
seven_segment_decoder_case decoder (
// Connect the outputs to the 12-bit LED output
- Boolean Logic Method: Uses Karnaugh maps to derive Boolean expressions for each segment.
- Case Statement Method: Simplifies the design by using
statements to directly map binary inputs to 7-segment display patterns. - Wrapper Module: Adapts the 7-segment decoder for testing by selecting a specific display and setting the dot to off.
You can synthesize, implement, and load these designs into the FPGA to test their functionality.