已知 table = ''.maketrans('abc', 'ABC'),那么表达式 'dong fuguo'.translate(table) 的值为?
时间: 2023-08-06 21:18:47 浏览: 94
对字符串 'dong fuguo' 进行翻译时,根据给定的转换表 table,将字符串中的字母 'a' 转换为 'A','b' 转换为 'B','c' 转换为 'C'。而其他的字符都不在转换表中,不做任何改变。因此,'dong fuguo'.translate(table) 的结果为 'dong fuguo',即原字符串不变。
table = str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)
This line of code creates a translation table that can be used to remove all punctuation marks from a string. Specifically, it uses the string method `maketrans()` to create a translation table that maps each punctuation mark to None (i.e. it removes them from the string). The first two arguments of `maketrans()` are empty strings, which means that no characters will be replaced by other characters. The third argument, `string.punctuation`, is a predefined string in the `string` module that contains all punctuation marks.
This translation table can be passed to the `translate()` method of a string to remove all punctuation marks. For example:
text = "Hello, world!"
clean_text = text.translate(table)
print(clean_text) # Output: "Hello world"
Here, `table` is the translation table created by `maketrans()`, and `clean_text` is the original text with all punctuation marks removed.
def kaisa(s, k): lower = string.ascii_lowercase #小写字母 upper = string.ascii_uppercase #大写字母 before = string.ascii_letters after = lower[k:] + lower[:k] + upper[k:] + upper[:k] #P210 table = ''.maketrans(before, after) #创建映射表 return s.translate(table)解释他的原理
1. `lower = string.ascii_lowercase` 和 `upper = string.ascii_uppercase` 分别定义了小写字母和大写字母。
2. `before = string.ascii_letters` 定义了所有字母。
3. `after = lower[k:] + lower[:k] + upper[k:] + upper[:k]` 定义了替换后的字母表,将小写字母和大写字母分别取出后,分别往后移k位,再将它们连接起来。
4. `table = ''.maketrans(before, after)` 创建了一个映射表,将before中的字符映射为after中的字符,即将所有字母按照替换后的字母表进行映射。
5. `return s.translate(table)` 使用映射表将原始字符串s中的字符进行替换,返回加密后的字符串。