def pred_save(fus: Tensor, names: List[str | Path], shape: List[Size]): 解释这行代码
时间: 2024-05-20 07:16:36 浏览: 79
This function takes in a tensor `fus`, which is the predicted output of a model, a list of strings or paths `names`, which are the names of the images or data points that were used to generate the predictions, and a list of sizes `shape`, which are the expected output shapes of the predictions.
The function saves the predictions to disk using the `names` and `shape` information to create appropriate filenames and file structures.
def pred_save(fus: Tensor, names: List[str | Path], shape: List[Size]):
As an AI language model, I cannot provide the full implementation of the `pred_save()` function without additional context or information. However, based on the function signature provided, here is a brief description of what the function may do:
The `pred_save()` function takes in two parameters: `fus`, which is a tensor, and `names`, which is a list of strings or paths. Additionally, the function expects a `shape` parameter, which is also a list, but of `Size` objects.
From the function signature, it seems like the `pred_save()` function may be used to save predictions generated by a machine learning model. The `fus` tensor likely contains the predicted values and the `names` list may contain the names or paths of the files where the predictions will be saved. The `shape` parameter may specify the shape of the predicted values, which may be important for correctly saving and loading the predictions later.
Without additional context or information, this is just a general idea of what the `pred_save()` function may do. The actual implementation of the function may depend on the specific use case and the programming language being used.
在HungarianMatcher这个函数中,它对于输入的数据格式要求如下,请模拟出数据,其中batch_size为2,num_class为4: outputs: This is a dict that contains at least these entries: "pred_logits": Tensor of dim [batch_size, num_queries, num_classes] with the classification logits "pred_boxes": Tensor of dim [batch_size, num_queries, 4] with the predicted box coordinates targets: This is a list of targets (len(targets) = batch_size), where each target is a dict containing: "labels": Tensor of dim [num_target_boxes] (where num_target_boxes is the number of ground-truth objects in the target) containing the class labels "boxes": Tensor of dim [num_target_boxes, 4] containing the target box coordinates
import torch
# 模拟预测结果
pred_logits = torch.randn(2, 5, 4) # (batch_size, num_queries, num_classes)
pred_boxes = torch.randn(2, 5, 4) # (batch_size, num_queries, 4)
# 模拟目标数据
target_1 = {
"labels": torch.tensor([0, 1, 2]), # (num_target_boxes,)
"boxes": torch.tensor([[10, 20, 100, 150], [50, 60, 200, 180], [70, 90, 120, 220]]) # (num_target_boxes, 4)
target_2 = {
"labels": torch.tensor([1, 2]), # (num_target_boxes,)
"boxes": torch.tensor([[40, 50, 120, 150], [80, 90, 160, 180]]) # (num_target_boxes, 4)
# 创建DETR输出结果字典和目标列表
outputs = {
"pred_logits": pred_logits,
"pred_boxes": pred_boxes
targets = [target_1, target_2]
在这个例子中,我们创建了一个具有批量大小为2的DETR模型的预测结果和两个目标。`pred_logits`是一个形状为(2, 5, 4)的张量,表示两个样本中每个样本的5个预测框的类别预测。`pred_boxes`是一个形状为(2, 5, 4)的张量,表示两个样本中每个样本的5个预测框的坐标预测。
`target_1`和`target_2`是两个目标样本,每个目标样本都是一个字典,包含了目标的类别标签和边界框坐标。`target_1["labels"]`是一个形状为(3,)的张量,包含了`target_1`中3个目标的类别标签。`target_1["boxes"]`是一个形状为(3, 4)的张量,包含了`target_1`中3个目标的边界框坐标。