时间: 2023-06-11 10:08:04 浏览: 321
function [R,t] = ICCP(X,Y,R0,t0)
% X and Y are the input point clouds
% R0 and t0 are the initial guess of the rotation and translation
% R and t are the final estimated rotation and translation
% ICCP algorithm
for i = 1:10 % maximum number of iterations 10
% Find the corresponding points in Y for each point in X
[idx,dist] = knnsearch(Y,X*R0+t0,'K',1);
% Calculate the weights
w = dist.^(-2);
% Estimate the rotation and translation
[R,t] = weighted_ICP(X,Y,idx,w);
% Update the guess
R0 = R0*R;
t0 = t0+R0'*t;
function [R,t] = weighted_ICP(X,Y,idx,w)
% X and Y are the input point clouds
% idx contains the corresponding points in Y for each point in X
% w contains the weights
% R and t are the estimated rotation and translation
% Weighted ICP algorithm
for i = 1:10 % maximum number of iterations 10
% Find the corresponding points in Y for each point in X
Yk = Y(idx,:);
% Calculate the centroid of X and Yk
mX = mean(X);
mYk = mean(Yk);
% Calculate the centered coordinates
Xc = X-repmat(mX,size(X,1),1);
Ykc = Yk-repmat(mYk,size(Yk,1),1);
% Calculate the weighted covariance matrix
C = Xc'*diag(w)*Ykc;
% Perform singular value decomposition
[U,~,V] = svd(C);
% Calculate the rotation matrix R
R = V*U';
% Calculate the translation vector t
t = mYk'-R*mX';
% Update the guess
X = X*R+t';