用python写一个程序,要求如下:In the code cell below, complete function list2table take the parameter s which is a string of HTML as input and return a string. list2table extracts the data from all ordered lists in s and converts each of them to a table. The data table in each item is seperated by comma.
时间: 2023-06-13 22:08:30 浏览: 227
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def list2table(s):
soup = BeautifulSoup(s, 'html.parser')
ordered_lists = soup.find_all('ol')
result = ''
for ordered_list in ordered_lists:
items = ordered_list.find_all('li')
result += '<table>\n'
for item in items:
result += '<tr><td>' + '</td><td>'.join(item.text.split(',')) + '</td></tr>\n'
result += '</table>\n'
return result
使用BeautifulSoup库解析HTML代码,找到所有有序列表(ordered list)的标签,然后遍历每一个列表中的项(item),将其中的文本以逗号为分隔符分割成多个单元格,再将它们包装在HTML的`<tr>`和`<td>`标签中形成表格。最后将所有的表格串联起来返回即可。