Cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled
时间: 2024-01-04 16:03:29 浏览: 479
这个错误表明在编译 C++ 代码时,禁用了异常。在 C++ 中,异常是一种在运行时抛出的错误,可以通过 try-catch 块来捕获和处理。如果编译时禁用了异常,那么就不能使用 try-catch 块来捕获异常。
为了解决这个错误,需要在编译 C++ 代码时启用异常支持。具体的方法取决于你使用的编译器和开发环境。在大多数情况下,可以通过在编译选项中添加 -fexceptions 或 /EHsc 等参数来启用异常支持。例如,在使用 GCC 编译器时,可以使用以下命令启用异常支持:
g++ -fexceptions mycode.cpp -o mycode
如果你使用的是 Visual Studio,可以在项目属性中将 "C++异常处理" 设置为 "是 (/EHsc)" 来启用异常支持。
注意,在启用异常支持后,需要在代码中使用 try-catch 块来捕获异常,否则仍然会出现类似的错误。
error: cannot use 'throw' with exceptions disabled
这个错误的意思是你的代码中禁用了异常处理,所以无法使用 throw 抛出异常。要解决这个问题,你需要启用异常处理或者使用其他的错误处理方式来替代抛出异常。
在 C++ 中,你可以通过开启异常处理来解决这个问题。在编译选项中加入 -fexceptions 参数即可启用异常处理。另外,你也可以使用条件语句、返回值等方式来处理错误。
That is correct. Visual Studio 2015 does not support exception declaration, which means you cannot specify the type of exceptions that a function may throw in its declaration. This feature was added in C++11 and is fully supported in later versions of Visual Studio. However, in Visual Studio 2015, you can still use the try-catch block to catch exceptions thrown by functions.
请Google Maps API Key。加载方式:
var googleLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.TileYes, that's correct. In Visual Studio 2015, you can still catch exceptions using the try-catch block, but you cannot explicitlyImage({
url: 'http://mt{0-3} declare the types of exceptions that a function may throw in its declaration. This feature was introduced in C++11 and is supported in later versions of Visual Studio. If you need to declare the types of exceptions that a function may throw, you would need to upgrade to a later version of Visual Studio that supports this feature.