用 matlab读取GRACE数据绘制图的完整代码
时间: 2024-06-12 11:04:49 浏览: 193
matlab 读取图片 代码
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这里提供一个使用 Matlab 读取 GRACE 数据并绘制图的完整代码,其中包括数据下载、解压、读取、处理和绘图等步骤。
请注意,GRACE 数据需要从 NASA 的数据中心下载,并且需要安装 GRACE 读取工具箱。
%% Download and extract GRACE data
% Set the URL and filename for the GRACE data file
url = 'ftp://podaac-ftp.jpl.nasa.gov/allData/tellus/L3/land_mass/RL05/JPL/CRI/mascon/GRCTellus.JPL.200204_202101.GLO.RL05M_1.MSCNv02CRI.nc.gz';
filename = 'GRCTellus.JPL.200204_202101.GLO.RL05M_1.MSCNv02CRI.nc';
% Download the data file
disp('Downloading GRACE data...')
websave(filename, url);
% Extract the data file
disp('Extracting GRACE data...')
% Load the GRACE data
disp('Loading GRACE data...')
grace = graceRead('GRCTellus.JPL.200204_202101.GLO.RL05M_1.MSCNv02CRI.nc');
%% Plot the GRACE data
% Calculate the time range for the data
time_start = grace.time(1);
time_end = grace.time(end);
% Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the data
data_mean = nanmean(grace.data, 2);
data_std = nanstd(grace.data, 0, 2);
% Create a time axis for the data
time_axis = grace.time - grace.time(1);
% Plot the data with error bars
errorbar(time_axis, data_mean, data_std, '.');
xlim([0 time_axis(end)]);
xlabel('Time (days)');
ylabel('Mass Anomaly (cm w.e.)');
title('GRACE Mass Anomaly');
% Save the plot to a file
print('grace.png', '-dpng');