root@4G-wifi:~# docker search linux x86_64 "docker search" requires exactly 1 argument. See 'docker search --help'. Usage: docker search [OPTIONS] TERM Search Docker Hub for images
时间: 2024-03-08 20:50:35 浏览: 117
docker search [OPTIONS] TERM
docker search linux x86_64
请注意,需要确保你的Docker客户端已经正确配置并且可以访问Docker Hub。如果遇到网络问题,可以尝试更换网络环境或检查Docker客户端的配置。
Unable to find image 'my-reg:latest' locally docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for my-reg, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied. See 'docker run --help'. [root@172 ~]# docker run --name my-regi2 "docker run" requires at least 1 argument. See 'docker run --help'. Usage: docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...] Create and run a new container from an image
这个错误提示表示Docker无法在本地找到名为`my-reg:latest`的镜像,并且在Docker Hub上也不存在该镜像。可能是因为没有该镜像的本地副本,也没有在Docker Hub上注册或者登录Docker Hub。
1. 确认`my-reg:latest`镜像是否存在:可以通过运行`docker images`命令查看本地已有的镜像列表,或者在Docker Hub上搜索该镜像。
2. 如果该镜像不存在,则需要先使用`docker pull`命令从Docker Hub上拉取该镜像:`docker pull my-reg:latest`。如果该命令可以成功运行,则意味着镜像已经被成功下载到本地。
3. 如果拉取镜像时出现错误,则可能存在网络连接问题或者Docker Hub上确实不存在该镜像。可以尝试使用其他的镜像或者检查网络连接。
4. 如果仍然无法运行该镜像,则需要检查是否已经注册或者登录Docker Hub。可以使用`docker login`命令登录Docker Hub,然后再次尝试拉取镜像。
"docker search" requires exactly 1 argument. See 'docker search --help'. Usage: docker search [OPTIONS] TERM Search Docker Hub for images
The error message suggests that you need to provide a search term when running the "docker search" command. Here is an example command that searches for images related to the term "nginx":
docker search nginx
You can replace "nginx" with any other search term that you are interested in. Additionally, you can add options to the command to filter the search results, such as:
- "--filter stars=3" to only show images with at least 3 stars
- "--filter is-automated=true" to only show automated builds
- "--no-trunc" to show full descriptions of the images
You can find more information about the "docker search" command by running "docker search --help".