ListModel.someProperty = value;
时间: 2024-05-22 16:12:20 浏览: 101
This line of code sets the value of the property "someProperty" in the ListModel object to the specified value. The ListModel is a type of object that is used to store and manipulate lists of data, typically in a graphical user interface (GUI) application. By setting the value of a property in the ListModel object, you can control various aspects of how the list is displayed or accessed. For example, you might set the "count" property to determine how many items are in the list, or the "modelData" property to specify the actual data that is being stored in the list.
String str[]= {"Student","b","c"}; for(String s:str) listModel.addElement(s);什么意思
具体来说,代码中定义了一个名为 `str` 的字符串数组,其中包含三个元素 "Student"、"b" 和 "c"。
然后,使用增强型 for 循环遍历该数组中的每个元素,将每个元素添加到名为 `listModel` 的列表模型中。这样,最终 `listModel` 中就会包含三个元素 "Student"、"b" 和 "c"。
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 Item { width: 400 height: 400 // 模拟数据 ListModel { id: myModel ListElement { name: "张三"; age: 20 } ListElement { name: "李四"; age: 30 } ListElement { name: "王五"; age: 40 } } ListView { id: listView anchors.fill: parent model: DelegateModel { id: delegateModel model: myModel delegate: Rectangle { width: parent.width height: 50 color: ListView.isCurrentItem ? "lightblue" : "white" // 显示数据 Row { Text { text: name } Text { text: age } } // 点击弹出弹框 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { myDialog.nameInput.text = name myDialog.ageInput.text = age } } } } } // 弹框 Dialog { id: myDialog title: "编辑" width: 200 height: 150 visible: false Column { TextField { id: nameInput placeholderText: "姓名" } TextField { id: ageInput placeholderText: "年龄" } Row { Button { text: "保存" onClicked: { // 保存数据 delegateModel.items[listView.currentIndex].name = nameInput.text delegateModel.items[listView.currentIndex].age = ageInput.text myDialog.close() } } Button { text: "取消" onClicked: { myDialog.close() } } } } } }19行报错什么原因
TypeError: Cannot read property 'items' of null
这个错误表示在第 19 行中,访问了一个空对象的 `items` 属性,因此导致了错误。具体来说,这个错误是因为在 `Button` 的 `onClicked` 中访问了 `delegateModel`,而 `delegateModel` 并没有被定义或者赋值。因此,需要在代码中将 `delegateModel` 定义或者赋值,以解决这个错误。具体的解决方法,可以根据实际情况来进行调整。