时间: 2024-03-05 10:47:30 浏览: 131
#include "DSP2833x_Device.h" // DSP2833x Headerfile Include File
#include "DSP2833x_Examples.h" // DSP2833x Examples Include File
// Define the PI parameters
#define KP_VOLTAGE 0.1
#define KI_VOLTAGE 0.001
#define KP_CURRENT 0.1
#define KI_CURRENT 0.001
// Define the voltage and current variables
float voltage_ref, voltage_meas, voltage_error, voltage_integral;
float current_ref, current_meas, current_error, current_integral;
// Define the PI output variables
float voltage_output, current_output;
// Define the ADC reading variables
Uint16 adc_voltage_reading, adc_current_reading;
// Define the PWM duty cycle variables
Uint16 pwm_voltage_duty, pwm_current_duty;
// Define the main function
void main()
// Initialize system
// Initialize ADC
// Initialize PWM
// Enable global interrupts
// Initialize voltage PI controller
voltage_integral = 0;
// Initialize current PI controller
current_integral = 0;
// Main loop
// Read voltage ADC
adc_voltage_reading = ReadAdcVoltage();
// Convert ADC reading to voltage
voltage_meas = ConvertAdcVoltage(adc_voltage_reading);
// Calculate voltage error
voltage_error = voltage_ref - voltage_meas;
// Calculate voltage integral
voltage_integral += voltage_error;
// Calculate voltage output
voltage_output = KP_VOLTAGE * voltage_error + KI_VOLTAGE * voltage_integral;
// Limit voltage output
voltage_output = LimitPwmDuty(voltage_output);
// Set PWM duty cycle for voltage
// Read current ADC
adc_current_reading = ReadAdcCurrent();
// Convert ADC reading to current
current_meas = ConvertAdcCurrent(adc_current_reading);
// Calculate current error
current_error = current_ref - current_meas;
// Calculate current integral
current_integral += current_error;
// Calculate current output
current_output = KP_CURRENT * current_error + KI_CURRENT * current_integral;
// Limit current output
current_output = LimitPwmDuty(current_output);
// Set PWM duty cycle for current
// Function to read voltage ADC
Uint16 ReadAdcVoltage()
// TODO: Implement ADC reading code for voltage
// Function to convert voltage ADC reading to voltage
float ConvertAdcVoltage(Uint16 adc_voltage_reading)
// TODO: Implement ADC voltage conversion code
// Function to read current ADC
Uint16 ReadAdcCurrent()
// TODO: Implement ADC reading code for current
// Function to convert current ADC reading to current
float ConvertAdcCurrent(Uint16 adc_current_reading)
// TODO: Implement ADC current conversion code
// Function to limit PWM duty cycle
float LimitPwmDuty(float duty_cycle)
// TODO: Implement PWM duty cycle limiting code
// Function to set PWM duty cycle for voltage
void SetPwmVoltageDuty(float duty_cycle)
// TODO: Implement PWM voltage duty cycle setting code
// Function to set PWM duty cycle for current
void SetPwmCurrentDuty(float duty_cycle)
// TODO: Implement PWM current duty cycle setting code