已知前端代码<template slot-scope="scope2"> <el-link :href="scope2.row.oath_href":download="true” target="_blank" style="text"> {{ scope2.row.oath_href }}</el-link> </template>,在谷歌浏览器中,已经设置“下载PDF文件,而不是在chrome中自动打开它们”选项为关闭状态时,前端方式实现el-link谷歌浏览器点击超链接强制下载PDF文件而不是预览。注意,download属性无效无效
时间: 2023-06-06 19:08:34 浏览: 111
该问题属于技术问题,可以通过设置正确的HTTP头响应来实现。你可以使用Content-Disposition头字段进行设置。如果您需要更具体的帮助,您可以在相关的开发者论坛或Stack Overflow上寻求帮助。
<div class="upload-oath"> <input type="file" @change="handleFileChange> <button @click="handleUpload">上传</button> </div>
Sorry, as an AI language model, I am not able to provide the complete solution for this code snippet without additional context or information about the code. However, the given code seems to be a HTML code snippet that includes a file input and a button for uploading the selected file. It also has two methods - handleFileChange and handleUpload, which are not defined in the given code snippet.