Duplicate column name 'keywords'
时间: 2023-11-06 21:40:33 浏览: 74
SELECT column1, column2, column3 AS keywords1, column4 AS keywords2 FROM table_name;
Duplicate column name
A "duplicate column name" error occurs when there are two or more columns in a database table with the same name. This can happen when a table is created or altered and the same column name is used more than once. It can also happen when data is imported from different sources and there are overlapping column names. To resolve this error, one of the duplicate column names needs to be changed to a unique name. This can be done by altering the table structure or renaming the column. It is important to ensure that all queries and applications that use the table are updated to reflect the new column name.
duplicate column name
"duplicate column name" 意思是列名重复。这通常是因为在建表或者修改表结构时,为表添加了重复的列名。为了解决这个问题,你需要检查你的 SQL 语句,确保表中没有重复的列名。如果发现有重复的列名,你可以修改列名或者移除重复的列。