时间: 2024-10-22 11:25:43 浏览: 20
CAN (Controller Area Network) 是一种工业标准串行通信协议,常用于汽车、自动化设备等嵌入式系统中。在编写嵌入式设备的CAN通信代码时,一般会涉及硬件初始化、数据帧发送和接收处理等方面。下面是一个简单的基于C语言的Linux环境下的CAN通信代码示例:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <can.h> // Linux CAN库
// CAN配置结构体
struct can_config {
struct can_device *dev; // CAN设备句柄
uint32_t channel; // CAN通道
uint32_t bitrate; // 数据传输速率
void can_init(struct can_config *cfg) {
if ((cfg->dev = can_open("/dev/can0", O_RDWR)) == NULL) {
perror("Can open failed");
if (can_set_bitrate(cfg->dev, cfg->channel, cfg->bitrate) < 0) {
perror("Set bitrate failed");
printf("CAN initialized with bitrate %u kbps\n", cfg->bitrate / 1000);
void send_can_message(uint8_t id, uint8_t data[]) {
struct can_frame frame;
frame.id = id;
frame.flags |= CAN_FDF | CAN_EFF; // Data Frame and Remote Transmission Request
frame.data[0] = data[0];
frame.data[1] = data[1]; // Assuming a two-byte data payload
if (can_send(cfg->dev, &frame, sizeof(frame), CAN_INV鲑) < 0) {
perror("Sending CAN message failed");
} else {
printf("Sent CAN message with ID 0x%03X\n", id);
int main() {
struct can_config config = {NULL, 0, 500000}; // Example configuration: Channel 0, 500kbps bitrate
// Replace these with actual CAN messages for your application
send_can_message(0x123, {0x45, 0x67}); // ID: 0x123, Data: {0x45, 0x67}
can_close(config.dev); // Don't forget to close the device when done
return 0;