StreamPhysicalOverAggregate doesn't support consuming update changes which is produced by node GroupAggregate(groupBy=[D], select=[D, SUM(Rpay) AS trade])
时间: 2023-06-20 19:10:08 浏览: 173
Recall that to solve (P2) in the tth time frame, we observe ξt {hti, Qi(t), Yi(t)}Ni=1, consisting of the channel gains {hti}Ni=1 and the system queue states {Qi(t),Yi(t)}Ni=1, and accordingly decide the control action {xt, yt}, including the binary offloading decision xt and the continuous resource allocation yt τit, fit, eti,O, rit,ONi=1. A close observation shows that although (P2) is a non-convex optimization problem, the resource allocation problem to optimize yt is in fact an “easy” convex problem if xt is fixed. In Section IV.B, we will propose a customized algorithm to efficiently obtain the optimal yt given xt in (P2). Here, we denote Gxt,ξt as the optimal value of (P2) by optimizing yt given the offloading decision xt and parameter ξt. Therefore, solving (P2) is equivalent to finding the optimal offloading decision (xt)∗, where (P3) : xt∗ = arg maximize G xt, ξt . (20) xt ∈{0,1}N In general, obtaining (xt)∗ requires enumerating 2N offloading decisions, which leads to significantly high computational complexity even when N is moderate (e.g., N = 10). Other search based methods, such as branch-and-bound and block coordinate descent [29], are also time-consuming when N is large. In practice, neither method is applicable to online decision- making under fast-varying channel condition. Leveraging the DRL technique, we propose a LyDROO algorithm to construct a policy π that maps from the input ξt to the optimal action (xt)∗, i.e., π : ξt → (xt)∗, with very low complexity, e.g., tens of milliseconds computation time (i.e., the time duration from observing ξt to producing a control action {xt, yt}) when N = 10.,为什么要使用深度强化学习
#!/bin/bash #变量不能为空 if [ "$1" = "" -a "$2" = "" -a "$3" = "" -a "$4" = "" -a "$5" = "" ];then echo "please specify variable bfe_log_dir mysqlHost mysqlPort mysqlDBName time" exit 0 fi loadDataFile="./time_consuming.log" logFilesDir="./log_files.txt" fileDate=$(date -d $5' minute ago' +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') nowDate=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if [ ! -f $logFilesDir ];then touch $logFilesDir echo "create log_files success." else echo "log_files ready" fi find $1 -type f -newermt "$fileDate" ! -newermt "$nowDate" -name 'access_2.log.*' > $logFilesDir if [ ! -f $loadDataFile ];then touch $loadDataFile echo "create load date file success." else echo "load date file ready" fi echo > $loadDataFile #start read bfe log file while read line do echo "read bfe log file: "$line #采集Link-trace-id,backendDur字段信息 cat $line | grep "type\[Req\]" | awk -F"]" '{print $1,$12}' | awk -F"[\[ ]" '{print $2","$5}' |awk -F , '{if($1!="-")print}' >> $loadDataFile done < $logFilesDir echo "backent dur write file success." #将采集信息插入到数据库中 loadCommand="load data local infile '$loadDataFile' into table ai_backend_dur_log fields terminated BY ',' lines terminated BY '\n' (trace_id,backend_dur);" mysql --local-infile=1 -u gzaipbc -pGzaipbc@123 -h $2 -P $3 $4 -e "$loadCommand" exit 0
这是一个 Bash 脚本,主要功能是从指定目录中读取符合时间范围内的日志文件,提取其中的特定字段信息,然后将这些信息插入到指定的 MySQL 数据库表中。具体流程如下:
1. 首先判断是否传入了必要的参数,如果没有就提示用户输入。
2. 创建用于记录符合时间范围内的日志文件名的文件 log_files.txt。
3. 使用 find 命令查找指定目录中符合时间范围内的日志文件,将其文件名写入 log_files.txt 中。
4. 创建用于记录采集到的信息的文件 time_consuming.log。
5. 读取 log_files.txt 中的每个日志文件,使用 grep 和 awk 命令从中提取出 Link-trace-id 和 backendDur 两个字段的信息,将其写入 time_consuming.log 文件中。
6. 将 time_consuming.log 文件中的信息通过 load data 命令插入到指定的 MySQL 数据库表中。
注意,脚本中的参数依次为:bfe_log_dir(指定的目录)、mysqlHost(MySQL 主机名)、mysqlPort(MySQL 端口号)、mysqlDBName(MySQL 数据库名)、time(时间范围,单位为分钟)。另外,脚本中的 MySQL 用户名和密码都是写死的,需要根据具体情况修改。