时间: 2023-12-03 19:40:49 浏览: 394
zuoye.zip_KeyPressFcn_Matlab Plot
在MATLAB中,KeyPressFcn是一个回调函数,用于在用户按下键盘上的键时触发。当用户在与KeyPressFcn关联的对象(如edit text)中按下键时,MATLAB将调用该函数。以下是KeyPressFcn的一些介绍和示例:
1. 语法:
KeyPressFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
2. 示例:
function myKeyPressFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to figure1 (or any other handle)
% eventdata structure with the following fields (see MATLAB documentation for more information):
% Key: name of the key that was pressed, in lower case
% Character: character interpretation of the key(s) that was pressed
% Modifier: any modifier keys that were also pressed (shift, control, alt)
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% ...
% 在这里编写响应键盘输入的代码
disp(['You pressed the ' eventdata.Key ' key.']);
3. 示例:
function myKeyPressFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to figure1 (or any other handle)
% eventdata structure with the following fields (see MATLAB documentation for more information):
% Key: name of the key that was pressed, in lower case
% Character: character interpretation of the key(s) that was pressed
% Modifier: any modifier keys that were also pressed (shift, control, alt)
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% ...
% 在这里编写响应键盘输入的代码
if strcmp(eventdata.Key, 'return')
% 如果用户按下回车键,则执行以下代码
disp('You pressed the Enter key.');