时间: 2024-12-28 14:25:53 浏览: 17
### Fortran 中的自然对数函数
在 Fortran 中,`log` 函数用于计算自然对数。此函数接受一个实型或复型参数并返回相同类型的值[^1]。
对于实型数据,可以使用如下方式调用 `log` 函数:
real :: x, result
x = 2.71828 ! Euler's number e as an example value
result = log(x)
print *, 'The natural logarithm of ', x, ' is ', result
当处理复数时,同样适用 `log` 函数:
complex :: z, complex_result
z = cmplx(0.0, 1.0) ! Imaginary unit i
complex_result = log(z)
print *, 'The natural logarithm of ', z, ' is ', complex_result
double precision :: d_x, d_result
d_x = 2.718281828459045D0 ! Higher precision representation of e
d_result = log(d_x)
print *, 'The double precision natural logarithm of ', d_x, ' is ', d_result