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改进令e=d--计算机图形学 ppt
Matlab中使用数值微分(Directional Derivative Approximation,DDA)算法来实现图像的直线扫描转换是一种简单而常用的方法,它主要用于计算像素斜率并创建灰度图像。以下是一个基本的示例代码:
function [xNew, yNew] = ddaScanConversion(x, y, dx, dy, im)
% x and y are the current pixel coordinates (row, col) in the input image
% dx and dy are the step sizes for the x and y directions
% im is the input grayscale or binary image
% Initialize the new coordinates
xNew = x;
yNew = y;
% DDA algorithm
while ~isempty(im(yNew, xNew)) % Check if the pixel is within image boundaries
xNew = xNew + dx; % Move right
yNew = yNew + dy; % Move down
% Calculate the slope using a simple approximation
slope = (im(yNew+dy, xNew)-im(yNew, xNew))/dy;
% If the line crosses from white to black or vice versa, we've crossed a pixel boundary
if abs(slope) > 0.5 && mod(round(slope), 2) ~= im(yNew, xNew) % Binary case, adjust based on change of color
% Determine the correct direction to go back
if slope > 0
dy = -dx; % Go left
break; % Stop the loop
这个函数会在输入图像`im`上沿着`(x, y)`开始的线方向进行扫描,每次移动`dx`和`dy`步长,然后通过比较相邻像素的颜色变化来估算斜率。当发现颜色变化(边界),就确定新位置,并停止向未填充区域扫描。