如何实现 floatScale2 功能?
时间: 2024-10-02 09:00:33 浏览: 30
function floatScale2(value, scale) {
// 检查输入是否合法
if (typeof value !== 'number' || typeof scale !== 'number') {
throw new Error("Both arguments must be numbers.");
// 计算并返回缩放后的值
return value * scale;
def float_scale2(value, scale):
if not isinstance(value, (int, float)) or not isinstance(scale, (int, float)):
raise ValueError("Both inputs must be numbers.")
return value * scale
在C++代码中实现图片以鼠标滚轮为中心缩放的功能,你需要用到Unreal Engine的AActor或UGameUserObject类的子类,并利用FOnInputAxisScrollEvent回调函数。以下是大致步骤:
1. **订阅输入事件**:
- 在你的类里重写`UInputComponent::BindAction`方法,订阅鼠标的滚动事件。
void YourActorClass::BindMouseWheelInput()
if (UInputComponent* InputComponent = GetDefault<UInputComponent>())
InputComponent->BindAction("MouseZoom", IE_Pressed, this, &YourActorClass::HandleMouseZoomPress);
InputComponent->BindAction("MouseZoom", IE_Released, this, &YourActorClass::HandleMouseZoomRelease);
InputComponent->BindAxis("MouseZoom", EInputEvent::IE_Pushed, this, &YourActorClass::HandleMouseZoom);
2. **处理滚动事件**:
- 实现`HandleMouseZoom`函数,获取当前的滚轮值,然后更新图片的缩放。
void YourActorClass::HandleMouseZoom(float AxisValue)
FVector2D MousePos = GetMousePosition(); // 获取鼠标位置
float MaxScale = 2.0f; // 最大缩放比例
float MinScale = 1.0f; // 最小缩放比例
float scaleChange = AxisValue * (MaxScale - MinScale); // 计算缩放变化量
float currentScale = GetActorScale().X; // 当前缩放比例
currentScale += scaleChange; // 更新缩放比例
currentScale = FMath::Clamp(currentScale, MinScale, MaxScale); // 防止缩放过界
SetActorScale(FVector3D(currentScale, currentScale, currentScale)); // 设置新缩放
Repaint(); // 刷新视图
// 其他事件处理函数,如按下和释放事件
void YourActorClass::HandleMouseZoomPress()
// 滚轮按下时的处理...
void YourActorClass::HandleMouseZoomRelease()
// 滚轮释放时的处理...
public void UpdateScaleByCalcaulateType(ShipModelCalculateType calculateType = ShipModelCalculateType.Length, double length = 0, double width = 0, double height = 0) { if (Ship3DModelInfo == null || (length == 0 && width == 0 && height == 0) || calculateType == ShipModelCalculateType.None) { return; } float scale_x = 1; float scale_y = 1; float scale_z = 1; if (length > 0 && Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelLength > 0) { scale_z = (float)(length / Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelLength); } if (width > 0 && Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelWidth > 0) { scale_x = (float)(width / Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelWidth); } if (height > 0 && Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelHeight > 0) { scale_y = (float)(height / Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelHeight); } if (calculateType == ShipModelCalculateType.Length) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale_z, scale_z, scale_z); } else if (calculateType == ShipModelCalculateType.ALL) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale_x, scale_y, scale_z); } }与public void UpdateScaleByCalcaulateType(ShipModelCalculateType calculateType = ShipModelCalculateType.Length, double length = 0, double width = 0, double height = 0) { if (Ship3DModelInfo == null || (length == 0 && width == 0 && height == 0) || calculateType == ShipModelCalculateType.None) { return; } bool isUpdate = false; float scale_x = 1; float scale_y = 1; float scale_z = 1; switch (calculateType) { case ShipModelCalculateType.Length: { if (length > 0 && Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelLength > 0) { isUpdate = true; scale_z = (float)(length / Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelLength); } } break; case ShipModelCalculateType.Width: { if (width > 0 && Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelWidth > 0) { isUpdate = true; scale_x = (float)(width / Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelWidth); } } break; case ShipModelCalculateType.Height: { if (height > 0 && Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelHeight > 0) { isUpdate = true; scale_y = (float)(height / Ship3DModelInfo.Ship3DModelHeight); } } break; case ShipModelCalculateType.ALL: case ShipModelCalculateType.None: default: break; } if (isUpdate) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale_x, scale_y, scale_z); } }有什么不一样的地方
1. 第一个方法使用了 if-else 的判断语句,而第二个方法使用了 switch-case 的结构。
2. 第二个方法在 switch-case 中对每一种情况都单独进行了判断,而第一个方法则是在每一个 if 中进行判断。
3. 第二个方法使用了一个 bool 变量 isUpdate 来记录是否需要更新缩放比例,而第一个方法则没有。