can't find object named
时间: 2024-12-10 21:49:50 浏览: 7
"can't find object named" 这个短语通常出现在编程中,尤其是在对象导向语言如JavaScript、Python或者一些IDEs中,当你尝试访问一个不存在的对象或者变量时,会收到这样的错误提示。它表明你在程序中试图引用一个还未被创建、声明或初始化的变量、函数或类实例。
let myObject; // 未赋值
console.log(myObject.someProperty); // 报错 "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'someProperty' of undefined"
del some_var
print(some_var) # 报错 "NameError: name 'some_var' is not defined"
# 或者
my_class = MyClass() # 如果MyClass尚未定义
my_class.some_method() # 报错 "AttributeError: 'MyClass' object has no attribute 'some_method'"
Couldn't find executable named find_object_2d below /home/ass/find_ws/src/find-object
It seems that you are trying to execute the `find_object_2d` command, but the executable file cannot be found in the specified directory `/home/ass/find_ws/src/find-object`.
First, make sure that you have built the `find-object` package successfully by running `catkin_make` or `catkin build` in your workspace.
If the build was successful, try running the `find_object_2d` command from the build directory by using the following command:
If the command runs successfully, you can add the build directory to your `PATH` environment variable to be able to execute the command from anywhere.
export PATH=$PATH:/home/ass/find_ws/devel/lib/find-object/
Then, try running `find_object_2d` command again.
java code (The Colorable interface) Design an interface named Colorable with a void method named howToColor(). Every class of a colorable object must implement the Colorable interface. Design a class named Square that extends GeometricObject and implements Colorable. Implement howToColor to display the message Color all four sides. The Square class contains a data field side with getter and setter methods, and a constructor for constructing a Square with a specified side. The Square class has a private double data field named side with its getter and setter methods. It has a no-arg constructor to create a Square with side 0, and another constructor that creates a Square with the specified side. Draw a UML diagram that involves Colorable, Square, and GeometricObject. Write a test program that creates an array of five GeometricObjects. For each object in the array, display its area and invoke its howToColor method if it is colorable
Here is the Java code for the Colorable interface, Square class, and the test program:
Colorable interface:
public interface Colorable {
void howToColor();
Square class:
public class Square extends GeometricObject implements Colorable {
private double side;
public Square() {
this.side = 0;
public Square(double side) {
this.side = side;
public double getSide() {
return side;
public void setSide(double side) {
this.side = side;
public void howToColor() {
System.out.println("Color all four sides.");
public double getArea() {
return side * side;
Test program:
public class TestProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
GeometricObject[] objects = new GeometricObject[5];
objects[0] = new Circle(5);
objects[1] = new Rectangle(3, 4);
objects[2] = new Square(2);
objects[3] = new Triangle(3, 4, 5);
objects[4] = new Square(5);
for (GeometricObject obj : objects) {
System.out.println("Area: " + obj.getArea());
if (obj instanceof Colorable) {
((Colorable) obj).howToColor();
Note that the GeometricObject class is not provided here, as it was not given in the original question. You can use any implementation of this class that you have or find online.