weightofeachwindow = 2 * random.randn(train_x.shape[1]+1,n1)-1
时间: 2023-07-31 17:00:42 浏览: 97
代码中的" train_x.shape[1] "是指训练数据的特征数量,"1,n1"是指生成一个1行n1列的随机矩阵。
X = 0.3 * np.random.randn(100, 2) X_train = np.r_[X + 2, X - 2] X_test = np.r_[X + 2, X-2]
这是一个简单的 Python 代码段,其中使用 NumPy 库生成了两个二维数组 X_train 和 X_test。这些数组包含由随机数生成的 200 个数据点。其中,100 个数据点在 X_train 中,另外 100 个数据点在 X_test 中。X_train 和 X_test 中的数据点是通过对 X 数组添加或减去 2 来生成的。
这个代码段是用于生成一个简单的数据集,用于测试和训练机器学习模型。在这个数据集中,有两个类别,每个类别包含 100 个数据点。这个数据集可以用于分类问题,例如判断一个数据点属于哪个类别。
y_data = 9.0 * x_data + 2.0 * x_data + 8.0 * x_data + 1.0 + np.random.randn( *x_data.shape) * 0.4
This code is not complete and contains errors. It appears to be attempting to create a set of y values based on a set of x values. However, it is not clear what the intended operation is for each term in the equation.
Here is an example of how the code could be rewritten to create a set of y values that are a combination of the x values and some random noise:
import numpy as np
x_data = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100)
noise = np.random.randn(*x_data.shape) * 0.4
y_data = 9.0 * x_data + 2.0 * x_data - 8.0 * x_data + 1.0 + noise
In this version, the y values are created by multiplying the x values by some constants (9.0, 2.0, and -8.0), adding a constant term (1.0), and adding some random noise. The noise is generated using the `numpy.random.randn()` function, which creates an array of random numbers with a normal distribution. The `*x_data.shape` syntax is used to ensure that the noise array has the same shape as the x data.