时间: 2024-10-15 09:30:03 浏览: 33
; 定义一个内存缓冲区存储输入和计算结果
times 10 db 0
; 指针指向输入字符串开始位置
input_ptr dw 0
output_ptr dw 0
; 函数,接收两个字符并返回其ASCII码之和
add_chars proc
mov al, [input_ptr] ; load first character into AL
add bl, [input_ptr+2] ; load second character into BL (since ASCII is little-endian)
add al, bl ; perform addition
mov [output_ptr], al ; store result back in output buffer
inc input_ptr ; advance input pointer
inc output_ptr ; advance output pointer
cmp byte [input_ptr], 0 ; check if end of input reached
jnz add_chars ; if not, continue
ret ; return from the function
add_chars endp
; 主循环读取用户输入,调用函数,直到遇到空格
mov ah, 0Ah ; BIOS interrupt to read a line
int 21h ; call interrupt service routine
mov si, dx ; save DX register, it contains the string address
xor cx, cx ; clear CX for loop counter
lodsb ; load next character
cmp al, ' ' ; check for space
je end_of_word ; if space, process word
jmp add_to_output ; otherwise, add to current word
add_chars ; process word and update pointers
jmp main_loop ; repeat for next word
stosb ; store last character of word in output
inc cx ; increment word count
cmp cx, 10 ; check if we have processed 10 words
jl loop_input ; if not, keep going
; ... (you can then display results or exit)
; Exit program
mov ax, 4c00h ; DOS exit request
int 21h ; terminate program
mov ax, @data ; set up segment selector
mov ds, ax
; Start by calling main_loop
jmp main_loop
; Data section
data db 'YourInputHere', 0dh, 0ah, '$'
; End of code