FIFO Verilog
时间: 2023-11-08 12:18:55 浏览: 185
FIFO, which stands for First-In-First-Out, is a commonly used data structure in digital design and Verilog. It is used to manage the flow of data between two asynchronous processes or modules. In Verilog, a FIFO can be implemented using either behavioral or structural modeling techniques.
In behavioral modeling, a FIFO can be implemented using arrays or queues to store and retrieve data. The read and write operations are typically managed using separate read and write pointers, which keep track of the current positions in the FIFO.
Here's an example of a simple behavioral FIFO implementation in Verilog:
module fifo (
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
input wire write_en,
input wire read_en,
input wire [data_width-1:0] data_in,
output wire [data_width-1:0] data_out
parameter depth = 16;
parameter data_width = 8;
reg [depth-1:0][data_width-1:0] memory;
reg [depth-1:0] read_ptr;
reg [depth-1:0] write_ptr;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset)
read_ptr <= 0;
else if (read_en)
read_ptr <= read_ptr + 1;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset)
write_ptr <= 0;
else if (write_en)
write_ptr <= write_ptr + 1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset)
data_out <= 0;
else if (read_en && write_en)
data_out <= memory[read_ptr];
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset)
memory[write_ptr] <= 0;
else if (write_en)
memory[write_ptr] <= data_in;
This is a basic implementation of a synchronous FIFO with a depth of 16 and a data width of 8 bits. It uses two separate pointers for read and write operations and uses registers to store the data.
Note that this is just a simple example, and depending on your requirements, you may need to add additional features or modify the implementation accordingly.