时间: 2023-10-28 16:07:16 浏览: 184
Grafana Agent是一个轻量级的代理程序,用于收集和传输监控指标、日志和分布式跟踪数据。它是Grafana Labs开发的一款开源软件,可以与Grafana和Prometheus等工具集成使用。Grafana Agent支持多种数据源和协议,包括Prometheus、OpenMetrics、JMX、StatsD和Jaeger等。通过Grafana Agent,用户可以更加方便地收集和可视化系统的监控数据和分布式跟踪数据。同时,Grafana Agent还支持自动发现和配置,可以大大简化系统监控和管理的工作量。
ALERT: ET EXPLOIT Grafana 8.x Path Traversal (CVE-2021-43798) 82 Timestamp 2023-06-07T14:21:22.266209+0000 Sensor suricata Protocol TCP Source Destination In Interface eno2 Flow ID 997920879570354 Signature ET EXPLOIT Grafana 8.x Path Traversal (CVE-2021-43798) Category Attempted Administrator Privilege Gain Signature ID 1: 2034629 :2 Severity 1 History 2023-06-07 22:26:19 - Archived by anonymous HTTP Hostname: Http Method: GET Http Port: 445 Http User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0.3 Safari/605.1.15 Length: 0 Protocol: HTTP/1.1 Url: /public/plugins/welcome/../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd User Agent.Device: Mac User Agent.Major: 12 User Agent.Minor: 0 User Agent.Name: Safari User Agent.Os: Mac OS X User Agent.Os Full: Mac OS X 10.14.3 User Agent.Os Major: 10 User Agent.Os Minor: 14 User Agent.Os Name: Mac OS X User Agent.Os Patch: 3 User Agent.Os Version: 10.14.3 User Agent.Patch: 3 User Agent.Version: 12.0.3 Payload GET /public/plugins/welcome/../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.1..Host: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0.3 Safari/605.1.15..Accept-Encoding: gzip....
It looks like you have provided a log of a security event that alerts of a potential exploit of CVE-2021-43798, which is a path traversal vulnerability found in Grafana 8.x. The log shows that there was an attempted administrator privilege gain on the destination IP address from the source IP address The HTTP request was a GET method to the URL "/public/plugins/welcome/../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd" which is an attempt to access the system's password file. The user agent in the request shows that it was made using Safari on a Mac OS X machine. It is important to investigate and mitigate this security event to prevent any potential damage to the system.
grafana+zabbix插件、数据源,以及zabbix server+proxy+agent 都已经搭建测试成功,但是grafana仪表盘获取zabbix所收集到的数据显示no data
1. 数据源配置错误:请确保您在Grafana中正确配置了Zabbix数据源。您可以尝试在Grafana的“配置”页面中测试数据源,以确保数据源正常工作。
2. 查询错误:请确保您在仪表板中正确配置了Zabbix查询。您可以尝试在Zabbix中手动运行相同的查询,以确保查询返回数据。
3. 时间范围错误:请确保Grafana和Zabbix服务器的时间同步,并且您在查询中使用的时间范围合适。
4. 数据收集错误:请确保Zabbix代理和Zabbix服务器能够成功收集数据,并且数据源中配置了正确的主机和项目。