SELECT, consume_phone phone, hg.group_name group_name, '消费' operatype, COUNT( hs.consume_phone ) AS times, IFNULL(sum(IF(hs.consume_status='+',(hs.consume_amount-hs.consume_gift_amount),-(hs.consume_amount-hs.consume_gift_amount))),0) money FROM qianxun_wash_consume hs LEFT JOIN qianxun_wash_groupcard hg ON hs.consume_phone = hg.group_phone LEFT JOIN sys_dept sd on sd.dept_id=hg.create_dept WHERE hs.consume_type IN ( 200, 220 ) and hs.consume_card_type <> ' ' AND hs.consume_subtract_card != '0' and hs.create_unit='487' GROUP BY consume_phone, hg.group_name ORDER BY times DESC 这个sql怎么优化
时间: 2024-04-13 20:27:45 浏览: 95
对于这个 SQL 查询的优化,可以考虑以下几点:
1. 索引优化:确保相关的列上有适当的索引,以提高查询效率。对于 `hs.consume_phone`、`hg.group_phone`、`hs.create_unit` 等列,可以创建相应的索引。
2. JOIN 优化:可以尝试使用 INNER JOIN 替代 LEFT JOIN,如果没有确切的需要获取 NULL 值的情况。
3. WHERE 条件优化:对于 `hs.consume_type`、`hs.consume_card_type`、`hs.consume_subtract_card` 等条件,可以考虑创建索引以提高查询速度。另外,如果 `hs.create_unit` 的值非常稳定,可以将其提取为变量,避免重复计算。
4. GROUP BY 和 ORDER BY 优化:确保 GROUP BY 和 ORDER BY 子句中的列在查询中有适当的索引。
5. 子查询优化:如果可能,可以将子查询转换为 JOIN 操作,以提高效率。
6. 细化聚合函数:可以将聚合函数中的 IFNULL 函数移动到外部查询中,避免在每一行数据上进行计算。
select,, i.group_id, i.max_people, i.create_time, u.nick_name, w.shrimp,, gpo.order_total, gpo.rake_total, gpo.shell_total, gpo.consume_total from im_group_information i left join im_group g on g.group_id = i.group_id and g.admin=2 left join (select group_id, count(group_id) total from im_group where is_delete=0 group by group_id) gb on gb.group_id = i.group_id left join (select bid, count(bid) order_total, sum(rake) rake_total, sum(price) shell_total, count(distinct uid) consume_total from g_prop_order where is_delete=0 group by bid) gpo on = g.u_id left join u_user u on = g.u_id left join u_wallet w on = g.u_id left join (select uid, count(distinct uid) offline_total from u_online_log group by uid) l on g.u_id = l.uid where i.is_delete = 0;怎么查到im_group_information群组表中七天内登陆过的用户数量
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT l.uid) AS login_total
FROM im_group_information i
LEFT JOIN im_group g ON g.group_id = i.group_id AND g.admin = 2
LEFT JOIN u_user u ON = g.u_id
LEFT JOIN u_online_log l ON g.u_id = l.uid
WHERE i.is_delete = 0
AND l.login_time >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)
这里使用了 `COUNT(DISTINCT l.uid)` 来统计七天内登陆过的用户数量,同时在 `WHERE` 子句中加入条件 `l.login_time >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)` 来筛选出七天内登陆过的用户。
<select id="selectExecuteSqlDetail" resultType="com.cvte.model.entity.ExecuteSqlDetail"> SELECT s.product_id, s.mybatis_id, s.sql_template, s.count, s.t_id, s.version, d.consume_time, d.s_id, d.total_score, d.create_time FROM sql_template s JOIN sql_plan_detail d ON s.t_id = d.template_id WHERE s.product_id = #{productId} <if test="mybatisId != null"> AND s.mybatis_id = #{mybatisId} </if> <if test="version != null"> AND s.version = #{version} </if> <if test="startTime != null and endTime != null"> AND d.create_time BETWEEN #{startTime} AND #{endTime} </if> <if test="minScore != 0.0"> and d.total_score > #{minScore} </if> <if test="maxScore != 0.0"> and #{maxScore} > d.total_score </if> ORDER BY d.total_score DESC </select>
这是一段 MyBatis 的 SQL 查询语句,查询的是一个名为 sql_template 和一个名为 sql_plan_detail 的表的一些字段。其中,sql_template 表中的 product_id, mybatis_id, sql_template, count, t_id, version 字段和 sql_plan_detail 表中的 consume_time, s_id, total_score, create_time 字段被查询出来。查询条件包括 product_id、mybatis_id、version、startTime、endTime、minScore 和 maxScore。如果 mybatis_id 不为空,则会加上一个额外的条件。如果 version 不为空,则也会加上一个额外的条件。如果 startTime 和 endTime 不为空,则加上一个时间范围的条件。如果 minScore 和 maxScore 不为 0,则分别加上一个总分数的最小值和最大值的条件。最后,结果按照 total_score 降序排序。