Invalid argument. Unable to set value [{60.0*3.14/180.0} ] for key[horizontal_fov].
时间: 2024-05-27 15:14:17 浏览: 102
As an AI language model, I cannot see the complete context of this error message or the code that accompanies it. However, it appears that there is an issue with setting the value for the horizontal field of view (FOV) key. The value being assigned seems to be a mathematical expression that calculates the horizontal FOV in radians from an angle in degrees.
It is possible that the syntax used to set the value for the key is incorrect, or that the key is not designed to accept mathematical expressions. Additionally, there may be other errors in the code that are causing this issue.
To resolve this error, the code may need to be reviewed and the syntax for setting the horizontal FOV key may need to be adjusted. Alternatively, the key may need to be updated to accept mathematical expressions.