Using VFS adapter com.baomidou.mybatisplus.autoconfigure.SpringBootVFS Checking to see if class com.lxyk.pojo.Account matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Checking to see if class com.lxyk.pojo.Customer matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Checking to see if class com.lxyk.pojo.History matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Checking to see if class com.lxyk.pojo.MainMenu matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Checking to see if class com.lxyk.pojo.Salary matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Checking to see if class com.lxyk.pojo.WaterDetails matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Checking to see if class com.lxyk.pojo.Worker matches criteria [is assignable to Object] Scanned package: 'com.lxyk.pojo' for aliases Warn: Could not find @TableId in Class: com.lxyk.pojo.Customer. Parsed mapper file: 'file [E:\Java_Pro\Project\basic-code\Springboot_Pro\target\classes\mapper\CustomerMapper.xml]' Warn: Could not find @TableId in Class: com.lxyk.pojo.History. Parsed mapper file: 'file [E:\Java_Pro\Project\basic-code\Springboot_Pro\target\classes\mapper\HistoryMapper.xml]' Warn: Could not find @TableId in Class: com.lxyk.pojo.Salary. Parsed mapper file: 'file [E:\Java_Pro\Project\basic-code\Springboot_Pro\target\classes\mapper\SalaryMapper.xml]' Warn: Could not find @TableId in Class: com.lxyk.pojo.WaterDetails. Parsed mapper file: 'file [E:\Java_Pro\Project\basic-code\Springboot_Pro\target\classes\mapper\WaterDetailsMapper.xml]' Warn: Could not find @TableId in Class: com.lxyk.pojo.Worker. Parsed mapper file: 'file [E:\Java_Pro\Project\basic-code\Springboot_Pro\target\classes\mapper\WorkerMapper.xml]' Warn: Could not find @TableId in Class: com.lxyk.pojo.Account.
时间: 2024-01-24 13:19:14 浏览: 199
这段代码看起来像是 Mybatis-Plus 生成的日志信息,其中包含了对项目中实体类的扫描和解析,以及对应的 Mapper 文件的解析。其中也出现了一些警告信息,提示在某些实体类中找不到 @TableId 注解,可能会影响 Mybatis-Plus 对该实体类的处理。建议检查对应的实体类是否缺少 @TableId 注解,并根据需要进行添加。
IllegalArgumentException: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'file' of com/intellij/openapi/vfs/VfsUtil...
这个异常通常表示你在使用JetBrains IDE时,试图读取一个不存在的文件或文件夹,导致了一个非空参数的异常。