时间: 2024-03-26 13:42:18 浏览: 330
你可以使用 SQL 中的 REPLACE 函数和 CAST 函数来实现将百分号去掉,然后将数值除以100的操作。具体实现方式如下:
SELECT CAST(REPLACE('50.5%', '%', '') AS DECIMAL(10, 3))/100;
这个 SQL 语句的含义是先使用 REPLACE 函数将字符串中的百分号替换为空字符串,然后使用 CAST 函数将结果转换为 DECIMAL 类型的数值,最后将该数值除以100得到最终结果。执行以上 SQL 语句,输出结果为 0.505。
How to solve the error in spectre: tran: time"2.274 mstran: time2.274 ms1tran: time2.274 ms12.274 mstran:time"2.274 mstran:time = (50.5%],step"16.37 ps(50.5 %),step =145.6 ps(50.5 %),step =1.126 ns(50.5 %),step = 9.453 ns(50.5%),step = 10.07 ns (364 n%) (3.24 u%)(25 U%)(210 u%)(224 u%) Internal error found in spectre at time = 2.27445 ms during transient analysis tran'.FATAL (SPECTRE-18): Sementation falt, Encountered a critical error during simulation. Run msimpack’ isee mmsimpack -h for detailed usageinformation) to pakage the metlist and log files as a compressed tar file. Then, contact your adence representative or submit a service reqwuest viaCadence 0nline Support,including the tar file and any other information that could help identify the problem, Encountered a critical eror duringsimulation, Run msimpack'(see mmsimpack -h for detailed usage information) to package the metlist and log files as a compressed tar file. Then.contact your adence reoresentative or submit a service reauest via Cadence 0nline Supoort,includino the tar file and any other information that couldhelp identify the problem. Version 64bit -- 29 Jun 2022****ASSERTION STACK****0x5e5717e日x6b09960x6b12e40x7fddf214f630@x7fddf120d1630x697a4230x697aa50x695d5bd0X694d3040x6898ab40x6898bb80x6898fze0x68a2bbb0x68a59530x7fddf2147ea50x7fddf1223bod ****LIBRARIES****spectre/bin/64bit/spectre [x400000]/lib64/libpthread.so.[x7fddf2140000]/lib64/libc.so.6[x7fddf11250001
This error message indicates that there was an internal error in Spectre during transient analysis, which caused the simulation to fail. The error occurred at time = 2.27445 ms, and there were several different step sizes being used at that time.
To resolve this error, you can try the following steps:
1. Check your netlist and make sure it is correct. Look for any syntax errors or mistakes in the circuit design that could be causing the error.
2. Reduce the step size used in the simulation. You can try reducing the step size to see if that helps to resolve the error.
3. Increase the simulation time. If the simulation time is too short, it may not be able to capture all the behavior of the circuit. Try increasing the simulation time to see if that helps to resolve the error.
4. Check your system resources. Make sure you have enough memory and processing power to run the simulation. If your system is running out of memory or processing power, it may be causing the error.
If none of these steps help to resolve the error, you may need to contact Cadence support for further assistance.
string_with_percent = "50.5%"
string_without_percent = string_with_percent.replace("%", "")