error: The subcommand 'init' wasn't recognized Did you mean 'init-rust-project', 'init-config-file'? If you believe you received this message in error, try re-running with 'pyoxidizer -- init' Usage: pyoxidizer [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]什么意思
时间: 2024-03-22 22:42:52 浏览: 52
这个错误提示是 PyOxidizer 的一个问题。它建议你使用 `init-rust-project` 或 `init-config-file` 命令初始化项目,而不是使用 `init` 命令。这可能是因为 PyOxidizer 的版本更新导致的。
你可以尝试使用以下命令初始化 PyOxidizer 项目:
pyoxidizer --init
如果这仍然无法解决问题,请尝试使用以下命令分别初始化 Rust 项目和 PyOxidizer 项目:
pyoxidizer init-rust-project
pyoxidizer init-config-file
这些命令将分别创建 Rust 项目和 PyOxidizer 配置文件,以便开始打包 Python 应用程序。
D:\python程序\dabao>pyoxidizer init error: The subcommand 'init' wasn't recognized Did you mean 'init-rust-project', 'init-config-file'? If you believe you received this message in error, try re-running with 'pyoxidizer -- init' Usage: pyoxidizer [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]出现了这个提示,怎么办
这个提示可能是因为 PyOxidizer 的版本更新导致的。尝试使用以下命令初始化 PyOxidizer 项目:
pyoxidizer --init
如果仍然出现错误,请尝试使用以下命令初始化 Rust 项目:
pyoxidizer init-rust-project
然后再使用以下命令初始化 PyOxidizer 项目:
pyoxidizer init-config-file
这应该能够解决问题。如果仍然无法解决,请尝试更新 PyOxidizer 到最新版本。
Error: Invalid usage: unknown subcommand: `docder` xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % brew services start docder Error: No available formula with the name "docder". Did you mean docker? xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % sudo brew services start docder Error: No available formula with the name "docder". Did you mean docker? xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % sudo brew services restart docder Error: No available formula with the name "docder". Did you mean docker? xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % docker -v Docker version 24.0.2, build cb74dfcd85 xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % sudo brew services restart docder Error: No available formula with the name "docder". Did you mean docker? xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % sudo brew services list Name Status User File nginx started root /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist php@7.4 started root /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.php@7.4.plist xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % sudo brew services docker Usage: brew services [subcommand] Manage background services with macOS' launchctl(1) daemon manager. If sudo is passed, operate on /Library/LaunchDaemons (started at boot). Otherwise, operate on ~/Library/LaunchAgents (started at login). [sudo] brew services [list] (--json): List information about all managed services for the current user (or root). [sudo] brew services info (formula|--all|--json): List all managed services for the current user (or root). [sudo] brew services run (formula|--all): Run the service formula without registering to launch at login (or boot). [sudo] brew services start (formula|--all|--file=): Start the service formula immediately and register it to launch at login (or boot). [sudo] brew services stop (formula|--all): Stop the service formula immediately and unregister it from launching at login (or boot). [sudo] brew services kill (formula|--all): Stop the service formula immediately but keep it registered to launch at login (or boot). [sudo] brew services restart (formula|--all): Stop (if necessary) and start the service formula immediately and register it to launch at login (or boot). [sudo] brew services cleanup: Remove all unused services. --file Use the service file from this location to start the service. --all Run subcommand on all services. --json Output as JSON. -d, --debug Display any debugging information. -q, --quiet Make some output more quiet. -v, --verbose Make some output more verbose. -h, --help Show this message. Error: Invalid usage: unknown subcommand: `docker` xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % brew services restart docker Error: Formula `docker` has not implemented #plist, #service or installed a locatable service file xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % docker ps Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % docker images Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % brew services start docker Error: Formula `docker` has not implemented #plist, #service or installed a locatable service file xiaohei@xiaoheideMacBook-Pro ~ % 帮我看下错误
根据你的命令行输出,发现你的问题是与 Docker 相关的,具体来说,你无法启动 Docker 服务。错误信息提示说无法连接到 Docker 守护进程,因此需要先启动 Docker 服务,然后再尝试使用 docker 命令。你可以尝试使用以下命令启动 Docker 服务:
sudo brew services start docker
如果仍然提示 Formula `docker` has not implemented #plist, #service or installed a locatable service file,则可以尝试卸载并重新安装 Docker,具体方法可以参考 Docker 的官方文档。