AAPT: error: resource mipmap/bg (aka com.example.myapplication:mipmap/bg) not found.
时间: 2024-05-28 12:10:17 浏览: 164
这个错误通常是因为在你的项目中缺少了 `mipmap/bg` 这个资源文件。你需要检查你的项目中是否有该资源文件,并且确认文件名是否正确。如果文件确实不存在,你需要在项目中添加该资源文件。如果文件名正确且文件存在,那么可能是由于构建过程中出现了其他问题导致的错误。你可以尝试清除项目并重新构建来解决该问题。
AAPT: error: resource string/BmiTitle (aka com.example.ererapplication:string/BmiTitle) not found.
这个错误通常是由于缺少字符串资源 "BmiTitle" 导致的。请确保在你的项目中包含了名为 "BmiTitle" 的字符串资源,并且它的命名应该与你在代码中引用的名称相同。你可以在项目的 res/values/strings.xml 文件中添加以下行来定义该字符串资源:
<string name="BmiTitle">BMI Calculator</string>
AAPT: error: resource array/operators (aka com.example.calculator:array/operators) not found.
This error message indicates that the Android Asset Packaging Tool (AAPT) was unable to find the resource array/operators in the specified location. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as a typo in the resource name or a missing resource file.
To resolve this error, you should double-check that the resource array/operators is defined in the correct XML file and that the file is located in the appropriate directory within your project. You should also ensure that the resource name is spelled correctly in your code. If the issue persists, try cleaning and rebuilding your project.