write protobuf c++
时间: 2023-10-15 07:24:55 浏览: 156
Sure, I can help you with that! To write protobuf in C, you need to follow these steps:
Step 1: Define your protocol buffer schema
First, you need to create a .proto file which defines the structure of your data. For example, let's say you want to define a simple message with two fields: `name` and `age`. You can create a file called `person.proto` with the following contents:
syntax = "proto3";
message Person {
string name = 1;
int32 age = 2;
Step 2: Generate C code from the .proto file
Next, you need to generate C code from the .proto file using the Protocol Buffers compiler (`protoc`). You can download it from the official Protocol Buffers website.
Once you have `protoc` installed, open your terminal and run the following command:
protoc -I=path/to/protos --c_out=path/to/output path/to/protos/person.proto
Make sure to replace `path/to/protos` with the actual path to the directory containing your `person.proto` file, and `path/to/output` with the desired output directory for the generated C code.
Step 3: Include the generated C code in your project
After generating the C code, you will get two files: `person.pb-c.h` and `person.pb-c.c`. You need to include these files in your C project.
Step 4: Use the generated code to serialize and deserialize data
To use the generated code, you can include the `person.pb-c.h` header file in your C source files. Then, you can use the provided functions to serialize and deserialize data.
Here's an example of how you can use the generated code to create a person message, serialize it to a byte array, and then deserialize it back:
#include "person.pb-c.h"
int main() {
// Create a new Person message
Person person = PERSON__INIT;
person.name = "John Doe";
person.age = 25;
// Get the serialized size
size_t size = person__get_packed_size(&person);
// Allocate memory for the serialized message
uint8_t *buffer = malloc(size);
// Serialize the message to the buffer
person__pack(&person, buffer);
// Deserialize the message from the buffer
Person *deserialized_person = person__unpack(NULL, size, buffer);
// Print the deserialized message
printf("Name: %s\n", deserialized_person->name);
printf("Age: %d\n", deserialized_person->age);
// Cleanup
person__free_unpacked(deserialized_person, NULL);
return 0;
That's it! You have now written protobuf C code to create, serialize, and deserialize messages based on your defined schema. Remember to link against the required protobuf library when compiling your C code.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.