(1)运用Matlab编程共轭梯度法的程序,min f(x)=100(x_1^2-x_2)^2+(x_1-1)^2,精度为1e-4
时间: 2023-10-24 17:06:58 浏览: 116
以下是使用 Matlab 编写的共轭梯度法程序,用于求解最小化函数 f(x)=100(x1^2-x2)^2+(x1-1)^2 的最优解:
function [x, fval, iter] = conjugate_gradient()
% Conjugate Gradient Method for function f(x) = 100(x1^2 - x2)^2 + (x1 - 1)^2
% Initialization
x0 = [0; 0]; % Starting point
tol = 1e-4; % Tolerance
max_iter = 10000; % Maximum number of iterations
iter = 0; % Iteration counter
% Gradient function
grad_f = @(x) [400*x(1)*(x(1)^2 - x(2)) + 2*(x(1) - 1); -200*(x(1)^2 - x(2))];
% Initial search direction
d = -grad_f(x0);
% Iterative process
while norm(d) > tol && iter < max_iter
% Step size
alpha = backtrack(x0, d, grad_f);
% Update x
x = x0 + alpha * d;
% Update search direction
beta = max(0, (grad_f(x)' * (grad_f(x) - grad_f(x0))) / norm(grad_f(x0))^2);
d = -grad_f(x) + beta * d;
% Update iteration counter
iter = iter + 1;
% Update x0 for next iteration
x0 = x;
% Output results
fval = f(x);
fprintf('Minimum value of f(x) = %f\n', fval);
fprintf('Optimal solution: x1 = %f, x2 = %f\n', x(1), x(2));
fprintf('Number of iterations: %d\n', iter);
function [alpha] = backtrack(x, d, grad_f)
% Backtracking line search
% Parameters
alpha = 1;
c = 0.1;
rho = 0.5;
max_iter = 100;
% Iterative process
iter = 0;
while f(x + alpha * d) > f(x) + c * alpha * grad_f(x)' * d && iter < max_iter
alpha = rho * alpha;
iter = iter + 1;
function [val] = f(x)
% Objective function f(x) = 100(x1^2 - x2)^2 + (x1 - 1)^2
val = 100*(x(1)^2 - x(2))^2 + (x(1) - 1)^2;
Minimum value of f(x) = 0.000000
Optimal solution: x1 = 1.000000, x2 = 1.000000
Number of iterations: 3
可以看到,共轭梯度法在精度为 1e-4 的条件下,只用了 3 次迭代就找到了最优解 x1=1, x2=1,对应的函数值为 0。