Build Configuration
时间: 2023-09-22 13:05:31 浏览: 64
Build configuration refers to the settings and options that are used when compiling a software application or system. These settings can include things like compiler flags, linker options, optimization settings, and platform-specific settings. The build configuration is typically specified in a build script or configuration file, and can be customized depending on the specific needs of the application or system being built. The build configuration is an important part of the software development process, as it can have a significant impact on the performance, stability, and portability of the resulting software.
Build Configuration的意思
Build Configuration是指在软件开发中,为了满足不同的需求和环境,针对不同的编译目标和选项进行的配置。它包括编译器的选项、链接器的选项、预处理器的选项、宏定义、库文件的链接选项等等。通过对Build Configuration的配置,可以使得同一份代码在不同的环境中被正确地编译、链接和运行。例如,针对不同的操作系统和硬件平台,需要配置不同的Build Configuration。常见的Build Configuration包括Debug、Release、Test等。
androidstudio build configuration language
根据所提供的引用[1],Android Studio的构建配置语言是基于Apache Ant和Apache Maven概念的,并引入了基于Groovy的特定领域语言(DSL),而不是Apache Maven使用的XML形式的语言。因此,Android Studio的构建配置语言使用的是Groovy-based DSL。