#ifndef DISABLE_LIBSSH if (session->ssh_chan != NULL) { /* we are getting data from libssh's channel */ status = ssh_channel_poll_timeout(session->ssh_chan, timeout, 0); if (status > 0) { revents = POLLIN; } } else #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TLS if (session->tls != NULL) { /* we are getting data from TLS session using OpenSSL */ fds.fd = SSL_get_fd(session->tls); fds.events = POLLIN; fds.revents = 0; status = poll(&fds, 1, timeout); revents = (unsigned long int) fds.revents; } else #endif
时间: 2024-04-24 10:22:01 浏览: 175
这段代码是一个网络库的代码,主要是用于从网络通道中读取数据。其中,该代码使用了条件编译,根据是否定义了DISABLE_LIBSSH和ENABLE_TLS宏来选择不同的代码路径。当DISABLE_LIBSSH宏被定义时,该代码段会从libssh的channel中获取数据;当ENABLE_TLS宏被定义时,该代码段会从OpenSSL的TLS session中获取数据。poll函数会等待timeout时间,直到有数据可读或者等待超时返回。如果有数据可读,则将revents设置为POLLIN表示有数据可读。
void nc_session_close(struct nc_session* session, NC_SESSION_TERM_REASON reason) { int i; struct nc_msg *qmsg, *qmsg_aux; NC_SESSION_STATUS sstatus = session->status; int session_fd= nc_session_get_eventfd(session); if(session_fd!=-1&&session_fd!=0) client_tofree_same_socket(session_fd); /* lock session due to accessing its status and other items */ if (sstatus != NC_SESSION_STATUS_DUMMY) { DBG_LOCK("mut_session"); pthread_mutex_lock(&(session->mut_session)); } /* close the SSH session */ if (session != NULL && session->status != NC_SESSION_STATUS_CLOSING && session->status != NC_SESSION_STATUS_CLOSED) { #ifndef DISABLE_LIBSSH if (session->ssh_chan && ssh_channel_is_eof(session->ssh_chan)) { session->status = NC_SESSION_STATUS_ERROR; } #endif announce_nc_session_closing(session); if (sstatus != NC_SESSION_STATUS_DUMMY) { DBG_UNLOCK("mut_session"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(session->mut_session)); } #ifndef DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS if (!ncntf_dispatch) { /* let notification receiving/sending function stop, if any */ ncntf_dispatch_stop(session); } /* log closing of the session */ if (sstatus != NC_SESSION_STATUS_DUMMY) { ncntf_event_new(-1, NCNTF_BASE_SESSION_END, session, reason, NULL); } #endif