bytes(TID1), bytes(facility) TypeError: string argument without an encoding
时间: 2024-04-30 20:19:34 浏览: 95
这个错误通常是因为 Python 2 和 Python 3 在字符串和字节串上的处理方式不同导致的。在 Python 3 中,字符串是 Unicode 类型,而字节串是 bytes 类型,因此如果你想将字符串转换为字节串,必须指定编码方式。例如,可以使用以下代码将字符串转换为字节串:
TID1_bytes = bytes(TID1, encoding='utf-8')
facility_bytes = bytes(facility, encoding='utf-8')
其中,`utf-8` 是指定的编码方式,可以根据需要进行修改。如果你使用的是 Python 2,可以直接将字符串转换为字节串,不需要指定编码方式:
TID1_bytes = bytes(TID1)
facility_bytes = bytes(facility)
改进代码if startT == "" || endT == "" { sqlstr = "" } else { var buf bytes.Buffer fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "AND created_at BETWEEN %s AND %s", startT, endT) sqlstr = buf.String() } res := common.DB.Raw("SELECT * FROM(SELECT id,created_at,type,source,explanation,label,location,facility_id,pm_id FROM flaws WHERE facility_id = ? "+sqlstr, "UNION SELECT id,created_at,type,source,explanation,label,location,facility_id,pm_id FROM issues WHERE facility_id = ? "+sqlstr, "UNION SELECT id,created_at,type,source,explanation,label,location,facility_id,pm_id FROM records WHERE facility_id = ? "+sqlstr, "UNION SELECT id,created_at,type,source,explanation,label,location,facility_id,pm_id FROM qualities WHERE facility_id = ? "+sqlstr, "UNION SELECT id,created_at,type,source,explanation,label,location,facility_id,pm_id FROM inspections WHERE facility_id = ?)"+sqlstr, "AS combined_tables LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", code, code, code, code, code, pageSize, offset).Find(&req)
1. 使用预处理语句避免 SQL 注入漏洞。在 Go 语言中,可以使用 database/sql 包中的 Prepare 和 Exec 函数来执行预处理语句,这样可以避免 SQL 注入漏洞。
2. 使用常量或变量来存储查询语句的模板,避免在代码中硬编码 SQL 查询语句。这样可以提高代码的可读性和可维护性。
3. 将查询语句和查询参数分开处理,避免将查询参数直接拼接到查询语句中,提高代码的可读性和可维护性。
4. 对于大型的 SQL 查询语句,可以使用多行字符串来存储查询语句,提高代码的可读性。例如:
sql := `SELECT *
FROM table1
JOIN table2 ON = table1.table2_id
WHERE = ?`
5. 使用结构体来存储查询参数,提高代码的可读性和可维护性。例如:
type QueryParams struct {
Code string
StartT string
EndT string
PageSize int
Offset int
func GetQueryResults(params QueryParams) ([]Record, error) {
// ...
错误改正def collect_user_data(): print("Fill in each space with the prompted objects and press enter to save it. To fill in an empty space, just type in the appropriate noun, verb, or object. Your answers will replace the words in the story. Then you will get a new story.") answer_list = ["Adjective (Ex: unhappy)", "Verb (Ex: jump)", "Verb (Ex: jump)", "Public Facility (Ex: elevator)", "Adverb (Ex: quickly)", "Past Tense Verb (Ex: jumped)", "Past Tense Verb (Ex: jumped)", "Verb (Ex: jump)", "Direction (Ex: up)", "Noun (Ex: door)", "Gerund (Ex: jumping)"] answer = [append(index) for index in answer_list] return answer
def collect_user_data():
print("Fill in each space with the prompted objects and press enter to save it. To fill in an empty space, just type in the appropriate noun, verb, or object. Your answers will replace the words in the story. Then you will get a new story.")
answer_list = ["Adjective (Ex: unhappy)", "Verb (Ex: jump)", "Verb (Ex: jump)", "Public Facility (Ex: elevator)", "Adverb (Ex: quickly)", "Past Tense Verb (Ex: jumped)", "Past Tense Verb (Ex: jumped)", "Verb (Ex: jump)", "Direction (Ex: up)", "Noun (Ex: door)", "Gerund (Ex: jumping)"]
answer = []
for index in answer_list:
user_input = input(index + ": ")
return answer
1. 将列表推导式改为for循环语句,因为列表推导式是用来生成新的列表的,而不是向现有列表中添加元素。
2. 将答案列表answer初始化为空列表[]。
3. 在for循环中,使用input()函数获取用户输入,并将输入的值添加到答案列表answer中。
4. 最后,返回答案列表answer。