百度地图Indicate whether to send a cookie in a cross-site request by specifying its SameSite attribute
时间: 2024-05-24 13:15:02 浏览: 118
Yes, Baidu Map can indicate whether to send a cookie in a cross-site request by specifying its SameSite attribute. SameSite is a cookie attribute that can be set to "Strict", "Lax", or "None". When set to "Strict", the cookie will only be sent in a first-party context, while when set to "Lax", the cookie may be sent in a limited set of cross-site contexts. When set to "None", the cookie may be sent in any context, including cross-site requests. Baidu Map can set the SameSite attribute on its cookies to control their behavior in cross-site requests.
Indicate whether to send a cookie in a cross-site request by specifying its SameSite attribute
是的,可以通过指定 SameSite 属性来指示在跨站请求中发送 cookie。
SameSite 属性是一个可选的 cookie 属性,它可以设置为三个可能的值:Strict、Lax 和 None。如果将 SameSite 属性设置为 Strict 或 Lax,则浏览器将不会在跨站点请求中发送该 cookie。如果将 SameSite 属性设置为 None,则浏览器将在跨站点请求中发送该 cookie。
当 SameSite 属性设置为 None 时,还需要设置 Secure 属性,以确保 cookie 仅在使用 HTTPS 进行请求时发送。这是因为在使用 HTTP 时发送 cookie 可能会导致安全问题。
例如,以下代码将设置一个名为 "myCookie" 的 cookie,其 SameSite 属性设置为 None,并将 Secure 属性设置为 true:
document.cookie = 'myCookie=value; SameSite=None; Secure';
通过这样的设置,浏览器将在跨站请求中发送 "myCookie" cookie。
% SolarCollector.m % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Simple first-order solar collector model (M-file called by TRNSYS type 155) % % Data passed from / to TRNSYS % ---------------------------- % % trnTime (1x1) : simulation time % trnInfo (15x1) : TRNSYS info array % trnInputs (nIx1) : TRNSYS inputs % trnStartTime (1x1) : TRNSYS Simulation Start time % trnStopTime (1x1) : TRNSYS Simulation Stop time % trnTimeStep (1x1) : TRNSYS Simulation time step % mFileErrorCode (1x1) : Error code for this m-file. It is set to 1 by TRNSYS and the m-file should set it to 0 at the % end to indicate that the call was successful. Any non-zero value will stop the simulation % trnOutputs (nOx1) : TRNSYS outputs % % % Notes: % ------ % % You can use the values of trnInfo(7), trnInfo(8) and trnInfo(13) to identify the call (e.g. first iteration, etc.) % Real-time controllers (callingMode = 10) will only be called once per time step with trnInfo(13) = 1 (after convergence) % % The number of inputs is given by trnInfo(3) % The number of expected outputs is given by trnInfo(6) % WARNING: if multiple units of Type 155 are used, the variables passed from/to TRNSYS will be sized according to % the maximum required by all units. You should cope with that by only using the part of the arrays that is % really used by the current m-File. Example: use "nI = trnInfo(3); myInputs = trnInputs(1:nI);" % rather than "MyInputs = trnInputs;" % Please also note that all m-files share the same workspace in Matlab (they are "scripts", not "functions") so % variables like trnInfo, trnTime, etc. will be overwritten at each call. % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This example implements a very simple solar collector model. The component is iterative (should be called at each % TRNSYS call) % % trnInputs % --------- % % trnInputs(1) : Ti, collector inlet temperature % trnInputs(2) : mdot, collector flowrate % trnInputs(3) : Tamb , ambient temperature % trnInputs(4) : Gt, solar radiation in the collector plane % % trnOutputs解释下这段代码
- trnTime:模拟时间
- trnInfo:TRNSYS信息数组
- trnInputs:TRNSYS输入
- trnStartTime:TRNSYS模拟开始时间
- trnStopTime:TRNSYS模拟停止时间
- trnTimeStep:TRNSYS模拟时间步长
- mFileErrorCode:该m文件的错误代码。TRNSYS将其设置为1,m文件应将其设置为0以指示调用成功。任何非零值都将停止模拟。
- trnOutputs:TRNSYS输出