时间: 2023-07-13 12:07:36 浏览: 169
function [code,dict,avglen] = huffmanenco(source,prob)
% HUFFMANENCO Huffman encode a source using specified probability model.
% CODE = HUFFMANENCO(SOURCE,PROB) returns a vector of logicals representing
% the Huffman code of the SOURCE using the probability model specified by PROB.
% PROB is a vector of probability estimates for each source symbol.
% [CODE,DICT] = HUFFMANENCO(...) returns a dictionary that can be used to decode
% the Huffman code back to the original source symbols. DICT is a MATLAB struct
% with two fields: DICT.code and DICT.sym. DICT.code is a cell array of Huffman
% codewords, one for each source symbol. DICT.sym is a vector of source symbols
% corresponding to each codeword.
% [CODE,DICT,AVGLEN] = HUFFMANENCO(...) returns the average length of the Huffman
% code for the given probability model.
% Examples:
% % Huffman encode a simple source.
% source = [1 3 3 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 3];
% prob = [5/15 5/15 5/15];
% [code,dict,avglen] = huffmanenco(source,prob);
% % Decode the Huffman code.
% decoded = huffmandeco(code,dict);
% % Verify that the decoded source matches the original source.
% isequal(decoded,source)
% Copyright 2017-2020 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Validate the input probability model.
validateattributes(prob, {'numeric'}, {'vector','nonnegative','nonempty','finite'});
prob = prob(:);
if any(prob == 0)
error('Probability estimates cannot be zero.');
if abs(sum(prob)-1) > sqrt(eps)
error('Probability estimates must sum to 1.');
% Generate the Huffman code for the source symbols.
dict = huffmandict(1:length(prob),prob);
code = huffmanenco(source,dict);
% Calculate the average length of the Huffman code.
avglen = sum(prob.*cellfun('length',dict(:,2)));
其中,`source` 是需要编码的源数据,`prob` 是每个源数据对应的概率。函数会返回编码后的 `code`、编码字典 `dict` 和平均编码长度 `avglen`。
source = [1 3 3 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 3];
prob = [5/15 5/15 5/15];
[code, dict, avglen] = huffmanenco(source, prob);
这里的 `source` 是一个长度为 15 的向量,每个元素都是 1、2 或 3。`prob` 是一个长度为 3 的向量,表示每个源数据的概率。函数返回的 `code` 就是编码后的结果,`dict` 是编码字典,`avglen` 是平均编码长度。