时间: 2023-07-28 21:02:55 浏览: 209
1. JNI(Java Native Interface):JNI是Java提供的一种机制,用于实现Java与本地(C/C++)代码的交互。在Web工程中,我们可以使用JNI来调用本地库,实现对底层原生功能的访问和操作。通过JNI,我们可以在Java代码中调用本地函数、访问本地变量等。
2. JNA(Java Native Access):JNA是一个Java库,提供了一个简单的方式来访问本地库,无需使用JNI的复杂编程方式。使用JNA,我们可以直接在Java代码中调用本地函数,而不需要编写底层的C/C++代码。JNA对于Web工程的快速开发和迭代非常有帮助,可以节省开发时间和人力成本。
3. Spring Boot:Spring Boot是一个开源的Java开发框架,可以简化Web应用程序的开发和部署。使用Spring Boot,我们可以快速构建高效的Web应用,提供各种功能和特性,如快速启动、自动化配置、内嵌服务器等。在Web工程中,Spring Boot可以与JNI和JNA集成,实现对本地库的调用和管理。
综上所述,基于spring-boot2.3.0和net.java.dev.jna5.9.0开发的JNI和JNA的Web工程主要利用JNI和JNA实现Java与本地库的交互,通过Spring Boot框架实现Web应用的快速开发和部署。这样的工程可以充分发挥Java和本地代码的优势,提供高效、稳定、可扩展的Web服务。
父级 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent:2.3.0.RELEASE' 有问题
父级 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent:2.3.0.RELEASE' 不存在的问题可能是由于以下原因导致的:
1. 该版本的父级依赖不存在于您的Maven仓库中。您可以尝试清除Maven本地仓库并重新构建项目,以确保正确下载并安装所需的依赖项。
2. 您的网络连接可能存在问题,导致无法访问Maven仓库。请检查您的网络连接,并尝试重新构建项目。
Project 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent:2.3.0.RELEASE' not found
It seems that you are encountering an error related to the Spring Boot starter parent dependency with version 2.3.0.RELEASE. This error usually occurs when the specified dependency cannot be found in the repository or when there is an issue with the dependency declaration.
To resolve this issue, you can try a few troubleshooting steps:
1. Verify the dependency declaration: Double-check the spelling and syntax of the dependency declaration in your project's build file (e.g., pom.xml for Maven or build.gradle for Gradle). Ensure that the version number is correct and matches the available versions in the repository.
2. Clear local repository cache: Sometimes, the issue can be caused by a corrupted local repository cache. You can try deleting the contents of your local repository cache and re-downloading the dependencies. The location of the local repository varies depending on your build tool (e.g., ~/.m2/repository for Maven).
3. Check network connectivity: Ensure that your network connection is stable and capable of accessing the remote repository. Try pinging the repository URL or accessing it via a web browser to ensure that it is accessible.
4. Use a different version: If the specific version (2.3.0.RELEASE) is not available or causing issues, you can try using a different version of the Spring Boot starter parent dependency. Check the official Spring Boot documentation or repository for the available versions and select a suitable one.
If none of these steps resolve the issue, please provide more details about your project setup, build tool, and any relevant error messages, so that I can assist you better.